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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Yeah, medals(and coins!) are mainly his area.
  2. william

    Forum Downtime

    Speaking of Australians, where's Raoul gone?!
  3. Yes, more people should register, and post pictures!!
  4. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Maybe Geoff will know....
  5. william

    Forum Downtime

    Will anyone be?!
  6. ...and we haven't even mentioned the amount of 1967 pennies below BU!! Btw, do any of you think that berlinetta355 will ever be back on here to find out where this conversation's gone?
  7. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Ok, what I ment to say was where was it used. Nitpick!
  8. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Thanks, can anyone confirm that for definate, or even tell me what the note was used for. Many thanks.
  9. I wonder if TomGoodheart will ever come back on here to see this poll I created for him, as he couldn't do it?!
  10. Yes, it just says at the top
  11. Don't you criticise that picture, I love it!!
  12. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    It's huge. AH!!
  13. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    Ok, here it is, can anyone identify it now?
  14. Yeah, I have one of those too, your not alone, Jordan! Mine is a Bentley 4.5 litre!!
  15. I have a beautiful half crown dated 1883. It is a prooflike EF, but unfortunately has been used as a brooch in the past. On the obverse there are clear raised parts where someone must have attached a pin. I just wanted to know how much it would be worth now, and if there is any way I could remove the raised parts on the obverse. Thanks, William.
  16. william

    1883 Half Crown

    How much will it be worth now?
  17. I voted for 400-500 coins. The exact figure is 501, but i thought it would be better to go for that, than 500-1000!
  18. william

    Your dream coin?

    Ah at last another Machin fan! Great design that was, i bet £2 coins would have looked good Machinified. I like how Jersey and Co kept Machin's on after 1985! Yes, that was a great idea that Jersey had. The £2 coin would look brilliant with the Machin design, especially with the original design (it's much better than all the commemorative ones!!)
  19. william

    Ten Shilling banknote

    No, but I will try and post a picture of it soon.
  20. I don't know, there seems to be someting wrong with either the image, or my computer!!
  21. That picture is very interesting, i would call it modern art!!
  22. Cartwheel twopences are so thick, that they can't even fit in capsules!!
  23. william

    1883 Half Crown

    Sorry it's massive, i had trouble resizing it!!
  24. william

    1883 Half Crown

    Here is a picture of the obverse. The reverse is problem free. Thanks, William.