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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Your dream coin?

    Yes, they were quite nice, until Maklouf came along and put everyone off!
  2. Hi Tom. As you don't know, I have created a poll in your honour!
  3. If you want to post a picture on this forum, you have to register!
  4. william

    Your dream coin?

    I certainly do, the Arnold Machin one is much better!!
  5. Yeah, my friend at school had a Gibraltar £1 coin, which he was using to buy his lunch, and asked me if i could identify it. So i told him what it was, and that it's illegal in this country, but he still managed to pass it off as an English one!!
  6. How regularly do you visit them?
  7. No, it's a living nightmare!!
  8. Is it worth it, when you can never see them?
  9. Have you seen some of the rubbish grading on ebay! I have listed several on this site somewhere, and so have many other people!!
  10. Collecting pebbles.....what's the point?!
  11. Yeah, i tried reading it, but got bored!!
  12. william

    1883 Half Crown

    Thanks, I may be able to post a picture if that helps.
  13. But the one on Mint marks site was $96!!
  14. Sylvester, I have two 1961 6ds, and two 1963 ones. Neither of them are BU though...
  15. Great, I'm going there on holiday this year!!
  16. Yes, one of my all time favourite coins!
  17. Thanks for the tip, Raoul. I'll try, and give you the *results*!
  18. I collect Victorian coins. I also have one of those dark farthings which Mark likes. Beautiful coin (1901, UNC )
  19. What is an ultrasonic cleaner? Thanks.
  20. Just saying 'yanks' works for me!!