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Everything posted by william

  1. I have a metal detector!! What sort of places should i look for coins then, Raoul?
  2. william

    Welcome New members!

    Great. Stick around!(unlike a lot of people, who just register and leave )
  3. william

    I'm at work experience!

    The Telegraph, for example!!
  4. william

    I'm at work experience!

    I'll take your word for that!!
  5. william

    Your dream coin?

    But barely anyone has!!!
  6. Yeah, i would agree with that Oli, but i really cannot identify the top left one (it's much too worn). Can you give us the diameter of those three coins, please?
  7. Whoa, and to think that they were just dug up from the ground!
  8. william

    Coin Manage 2003

    Surely nobody can miss the new forum!
  9. How much are they? Oh, i've just thought of two more coins to add to my wish list.....A Victorian third farthing and a Victorian quarter farthing!
  10. william

    Your dream coin?

    Yeah, seven were minted. My dream coins.....i would kill for a Una and the Lion coin. A gothic crown as well.
  11. william


    Really? But you only need one pair!!!
  12. I have seen many dodgy things on ebay in the past, and that ones actually quite good considering!
  13. william

    I'm at work experience!

    Great. What do you have to do there then?
  14. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    As if!
  15. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    .....and possibly even before then!
  16. Hmmm.... Possibly a Victorian JH groat, or some Victorian gold coins perhaps. A Godless florin would be nice also. Chris has recently answered part of my wish list! And then it comes to the unaffordable things! Una and the lion, a gothic crown etc!
  17. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    This post is just intended to get on Oli's nerves ..... The primary school i go to was established in 1825
  18. Thanks Chris, I do need most of that series, could you give me a list of what you have? Thanks, William.
  19. william


    I'm just relieved your friend didn't drop the coin, Paul!
  20. I collect Victorian coins! Do you have anything particularly nice or unusual from the Victorian period then?
  21. Yeah, it's M.B.F.ET.H.REX.F.D.B.ET.L.D.S.R.I.A.T.ET.E if i'm not mistaken.
  22. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

  23. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....
