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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    And what's wrong with that?!
  2. If not...just don't bother!!
  3. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    I go to St. Bridgets CE Primary School, and am hoping to get into Caldy Grange Grammar School. (if not, Hilbre High School)
  4. Hi everyone, I've got a weird token (i think!!) in my collection at the moment. It is silver (in colour, not metal!), and is extremely light in weight. On the reverse it says at the the top . In the centre of the coin there is a picture of an old fashioned car, and at the bottom the date is 1928. On the obverse it has the 'SHELL' logo at the top, and underneath that it reads The edge is milled and the grade is AVF. Can anybody tell me what it is, actual year it was issued, value etc. etc.? Thanks, William.
  5. Yeah, but everyone knows what the British language can be like!
  6. william

    Strange token?!

    Thanks, it'll be worh incredibly little then!
  7. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Ouch; i'm not even at high school yet!! (I'm meant to be getting the results to the 11+ this month, but so far, nothing! )
  8. If you clean/polish your coin it will lose any value it would have had, unless it is extremely rare.
  9. william

    Let see where this goes....

    Yes, agreed, i have several coins from Singapore, all of them very nice. They all have plants on them, if i am not mistaken!
  10. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Thanks, Oli (my maths is terrible!! )
  11. One thing's certain though, it'll only be worth bullion value now! But holed and damaged coins are pretty interesting; they've got history!
  12. How many coins have you found with your metal detector then, Raoul?
  13. william

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Does anyone know how much that is in pounds?
  14. william

    Let see where this goes....

    Let's see how well we've deviated! First we had the Conservatives, then Shania Twain, more of the Conservatives, Miss Moore (whoever she is!), the Conservatives (again!!), The Simpsons, avators, more politics(sigh!!), the Green Party, eco coins (in the 'Nothing whatsoever to do with coins area nonetheless!!), landfills and recycling! We've done really well! What'll be next?
  15. We just won't discuss that, Oli!
  16. No! Oh, and for anyone who doesn't know the URL, click here
  17. And who are they?! And where is 'What's it worth' land?!