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Everything posted by william

  1. Try using some punctuation next time. It took me a while to work out what your post meant!
  2. But what does an acid dipped coin look like!(i've never cleaned/polished a coin in my life! )
  3. william

    Favourite monarchs

    I agree with your every word! THE YOUNG HEAD IS THE BEST! I also love the obverse of the gothic florin (and crown!!), and the Jubilee head. Not so keen on the old head or the bun head though!
  4. william

    Favourite reverse designs.

    If only!
  5. william

    Let see where this goes....

    I have to admit, it does look a bit silly; it is too wide and looks blurry! How can i improve it? YAY! This is my 100th post!!
  6. How i love a nice darkish tone!
  7. william

    Favourite reverse designs.

    OK! 1) Gothic florin 2) Gothic crown 3) Una and the lion (never actually seen one, but love the design just from seeing pics!) 4) Victoria JH sixpence, shilling, halfcrown 5) George and the Dragon
  8. william

    Logging in

    Well, i've been monitoring it over the last few weeks, and it seems to have stopped. Thanks!
  9. Hi all, Yesterday when i tried to log in, i typed in my username & password, pressed "return", and then the site returned me to the home page. It didn't say "Logged in as: william ( Log Out )" at the top; it hadn't logged me in! So then i just had to keep trying to log in! Can anyone tell me why this happens(it has happened several times before).
  10. william

    Let see where this goes....

    Do they really? Errrmmm.....let me try and deviate here! Who likes the Simpsons? Everyone uses a coin for there avator, so i thought i would have a change. THE SIMPSONS! Any tips on how i can improve it?
  11. What effect did vinegar have on your coins then?!
  12. Well i certainly don't, being 11!
  13. Yes, i was looking through Spinks and couldn't find a cartwheel twopence without the word SOHO on it! Oli, Why did you edit your original post? Just curious!
  14. Yes, each year the gold and silver ones get changed to the same design!
  15. william

    Favourite monarchs

    For me it would be:- 1) Queen Victoria 2) William IV (he also has a very nice name! ) 3) Edward VII 4) George III 5) George II (love the simple effigy)
  16. It did say i was wrong, but you obviously edited your original post!
  17. Ah, but you are the one who is wrong! I was mentioning the Spinks 2003 value, as i don't have the 2004 edition!
  18. william

    Colonial coins

    He was awful! Admittedly not as bad as Hitler, but certainly one of the worlds worst men!
  19. I dunno. Could you tell us the metal, that might help! Maybe it is a medal of some kind. Does anybody here collect medals?
  20. The amount of times the mint have used Britannia! And they've changed it loads. Can they not think of another design to put on the coins?!