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Everything posted by william

  1. Sorry, i don't know, but according to Spink 2003 your Cartwheel twopence in VF should be worth £100. In Coin Yearbook 2004, it values it £40 in VF! That difference simply defies belief!
  2. You're correct! Philip Nathan Made four different designs and the 2004 design was first used in 1998!
  3. william

    Colonial coins

    TAKE THAT BACK! NEVER! Hitler is probably the worst thing, closely followed by Saddam Husain. (spelling?! ) But after them, nuts are certainly the worst thing that ever happened to this world! Oh yeah, and then it's cabbage and lettuce!
  4. william


    Great! See you there!
  5. william

    Colonial coins

    As if! Nuts are probably the worst thing that ever happened to this planet!
  6. Definately! I didn't know that; you learn something new everyday!(although i only seem to a couple of times a week, if that! )
  7. william

    Colonial coins

    Nice! I once had a Nestle walnut whip without a walnut, but didn't complain, as i hate walnuts. I was chuffed!
  8. william

    What got you into coin collecting

    I dunno about that, but i'm really suprised they don't explain what it is fully in the yearbook.Here are the Coin Yearbook prices for all 1992 20ps...
  9. william


    Thanks, will you be in the library some time before 9:30? (my only free period! )
  10. william

    Colonial coins

    Complaining has never worked for me! I once bought a book and a few hours later i found the last chapter missing! Tried to complain but the company told me they had much more important things to do !
  11. It was £189, but i managed to haggle it down to £179, post free. I just kept pointing out the lack of date... Can't be bad, at coincraft prices it's £300 in VF, this coin can't be far off that, for the series there's quite a bit of detail left on that coin. But with tin you find the catalogue prices are only a rough guide, people are usually willing to go over anyhow. Not bad at all then!
  12. william

    Colonial coins

    Do you have many?
  13. OK then! What does everyone think about the redesign of British currency, getting back on topic!
  14. Nice pics! So how much did you pay for it?
  15. william


    Thanks for the tip Geoff, i'll try!
  16. william

    Colonial coins

    I often wonder with teachers....Why do schools always employ the nasty ones?!
  17. william

    Colonial coins

    You seem to know loads of cool teachers Oli!
  18. william

    What got you into coin collecting

    ...and i received a 2004 2p in JANUARY!