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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Help needed...

    Doubt it, i'm not registered!
  2. Chris, Have another look at the above post!
  3. Great, wish i could hear you! Good luck!
  4. william

    What got you into coin collecting

    Have any of you lot received the new DNA £2 coin in change this year. I haven't seen it at all! Oh, a few weeks ago i found a small spanish peseta coin in my change, being passed off as a 5p. I didn't complain to the newsagent, as i would much rather keep the peseta!
  5. I wouldn't try experimenting on a 1684 HIGH GRADE tin farthing, definately not!
  6. william

    Help needed...

    Is he? I've never seen him on there before. i take it you missed my gold coin give away on coinpeople the other day then? Yeh, sorry!
  7. william

    What got you into coin collecting

    Well we have got those rare 1983 two pence pieces with the "New Pence" error. Oh, and we got a stupid rumour with that as well!
  8. william

    three pence coins

    I've never seen those sites before, and it didn't take much to find predecimal.com on a search engine Chris!
  9. william

    Help needed...

    Is he? I've never seen him on there before.
  10. What's that supposed to mean?!
  11. *Ahem* they are Americans *ahem* And there are Americans browsing this forum as well!
  12. Thanks for the pic Sylvester!
  13. £1 banknotes in todays money! Sounds weird to me. Yes, a £5 note seems sensible for the smallest note. Still, if the mint did introduce a £1 note, if it looked anything like this i wouldn't mind at all!
  14. Not bad at all! I wish i could see a scan of the edge though
  15. There are some new £1 coins coming out now! I wonder who will be the first to fake those!
  16. william


    Thanks, Sylvester! I know some French, and a little Italian!
  17. Could be, knowing those hyped up officials at the Royal Mint!
  18. william


    And what does all this actually mean?! i thought this was an English forum
  19. I hate the current 10p piece. I want the Vicorian Gothic Florin design to go on it instead of that silly lion!
  20. ...and here's a "rare" 1870 penny! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...9&category=3397