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Everything posted by william

  1. I also have a forgery of a spade guinea!
  2. william

    A Rotographic database league table!

    Erm, Chris, thats where i come in... I'll be a mod!!!!!
  3. william

    Royal Mint News

    Backwards from Elizabeth II!!!
  4. Chris has the worst timetable out of all of us, lol. This is mine: 9:00 - 9:10 Registration 9:15 - 9:30 Assembly 9:30 - 10:30 First lesson 10:30 - 10:45 Break 11:00 - 12:15 Second lesson 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch break 1:15 - 2:15 Third lesson 2:15 - 2:30 Break 2:30 - 3:30 Fourth lesson
  5. william

    Royal Mint News

    I would give up when i got to George II!!! lol
  6. we have dinner at 1:45. I dont know what time we will have it at high school...
  7. I finish at 3:00, but on Wednesday when we break up, we will finish at 3:00.
  8. Jon, we havr to wait till Wednesday before we break up!!!!
  9. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Yes, thst 2005 bit could easily be done. Also, i think it looks kinda empty to the left of the word coins in the title. I'll just leave it for you to play around with now, unless you want me to have a few more tries...
  10. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    What do you mean by play around with it?
  11. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Is this alright?
  12. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Here is another one with your gothic florin Sylvester...
  13. william

    Why not clean coins?

    Hi Jon, Cleaning coins changes the appearance of the coin, and in most collectors' opinions, it ruins the appearance. The tone changes, and the con becomes unaturally shiny. Therefore, cleaning a coin detracts greatly from its value. Vinegar is a bad idea, beacause dipping coins in acid makes them really horrible, the tone gets ruined, and yellow stuff forms on the coin, and it can start to smell (thats what happened when i dipped a 1967 penny!).
  14. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Thankyou for the picture of that florin, i was searching everywhere for that picture!!!!
  15. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    I have had another go, combining mine and Sylvesters ideas. Btw, is it Collector's Coins, or Collectors' Coins. I have totally left it out cos i dont know.... Also, do you think it looks good with just the florin, or do you think we should put something modern on as well?
  16. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Sylvester i really like that. Theres only a few things. Where you have the writing on the coin, it looks a bit fainter. Also, i dont see the point of utting latest edition on it. And could you put on the fact that its British non-gold coins fom 1797 onwards??
  17. william


    We will need to know the condition to know the value, can you post a pic?
  18. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Here is another one. Chris i have tried to get it to 300dpi, but how do you get it to A5 size?
  19. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Heres another attempt...
  20. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    I have had a little go, it probably wont be that good, but see what you think...
  21. william

    Guess what I got today!

    Wow, that is also the first case i have heard of someone finding a £5 coin in their change. I remember one of my friends showing me a £5 coin that he had once, and he said he was gonna spend it, dont know if he ever did...
  22. william

    Now what do you think of this idea?

    The popularity of the forum!!!! I didnt realise it was beacause of that!! I'm beginning to like the idea of 'The Rotographic forum, hosted by Predecimal'. You could put on some Rotographic stuff near the top, so that everyone can see that, and then just leave all the old stuff where it was before.
  23. william

    Coin storage

    Hay being thrown into the alloy as it cooled? that's fairly unlikely isnt it?
  24. william

    Now what do you think of this idea?

    But you have to pay for the host dont you? I dont think youve ever let us down...
  25. william

    Now what do you think of this idea?

    I dont like the iddea of changing this forum into a rotographic forum, cos i like it the way it is. YOuc ould create a little Rotographic board in The Nothing whatsoever to do with coins area, or you could just create a whole new forum dedicated to Rotographic. Youc ould get a free one that is just like this form invisionfree.com...