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Everything posted by william

  1. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    ...and i particularly liked that Gothic Florin you put on there in the backround Sylvester!
  2. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    Wow, that florin is really nice, will you be able to use that Sylvester?
  3. william

    Your cover ideas please.

    I really like that Sylvester! You just need to play around with the colours and eventually it will look great.
  4. william

    Latest ammended pages.

    When i try it, the screen is just blank... What's wrong with it?
  5. Well done HPJ!! I still have yet to find one...
  6. william

    Your coin purchases...

    God yeah!!!! Thats ridiculous...
  7. Unlucky. I used to have to spend my birtday on the first day back at schol after the summer holoidays. However, when im at high school, it will be the day before my birthday
  8. william

    Your coin purchases...

    hint hint! Coincraft.
  9. About the millionth time ive done this (well actually its the third), but...
  10. I know, you just got there before me <_<
  11. This could be one of two things. Either a penny or a twopence. If you give us the diameter, i could tell you which one it is. If it is a penny, it will be worth about £90, if it is a twopence it will be worth about £170. The condition is very good.
  12. we will need diameters for all of them except tjis one^^. I think this is a threehalfpence. They were issued for circulation in the British Colonies, and were made between 1838 and 1862. but to give the value we will need a picture of the condition.
  13. Yay, happy birthday!!!
  14. william

    Rare 1953 farthing

    Are any of you gonna bid?
  15. william

    Latest ammended pages.

    I'm afraid it's sold now William, I sold it yesterday. Thanks for the comments so far, I'll make ammendments to the master today. Awww, thats a shame...
  16. But then it would not be your dream coin. If it was your dream coin, then wanting to buy the coin would far outweigh the problem of where to store it in your collection. My dream coin is a gothic crown, and I would definitely buy that.
  17. william

    Latest ammended pages.

    Very good Chris!! On page 7, haven't you used that prooflike 1895 farting yu have for sale. I really want that coin!!!!
  18. I also like playing cricket, but hate watching it. I like tenis too. But i really hate rugby!!!
  19. I'll agree with that as well, I dont like football that much at all. My worst sport is rugby though!!
  20. what does it look like when you compare two of thhe same date?
  21. william

    Edward I Penny

    Wow, that's convienient (sp?)!!!
  22. william

    General news stuff

    Wow, that's a great coin. Ive never seen one either.
  23. william


    Neither had I!
  24. I think JMD means late milled stuff.
  25. Really? I didn't know that!!!