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Everything posted by william

  1. Wow, I would never spend gold coins ever! I might sell them on ebay, but never spend them!!!
  2. william

    Whats rarer?

    It's Churchill JMD! Oh, and I don't know about the rarer ones here, I've only just found out about them since you just said! I can also find a satin version, and that's worth quite a bit of money. Sorry
  3. william

    I knew this would happen!

    I also live in a modern house, right by the sea, and there is a vent in my room, and my coins are in capsules, so I'm safe!
  4. william

    Top 10 Coins in your Collection - New

    OK, in no particular order... 1. Third farthing 1844 VF 2. Half farthing 1844 EF 3. Farthing 1900 GEF Gold gilt 4. Farthing 1901 UNC 5. Threehalfpence 1839 F 6. Threehalfpence 1843/34 rare NF 7. Crown 1845 F+ 8. Crown 1889 VF 9. Halfcrown 1887 EF 10. Gothic florin 1883 GF.
  5. ..and make sure you don't tell anyone
  6. Do you mean the one by Vivaldi? Who is it played by?
  7. Hopefully... You know I found the rarest variety today, but then saw that it was a 1996. So annoying...
  8. How many people know about these?
  9. What variety have you got Sylvester?
  10. william

    What should i buy?

    That'll be expensive...
  11. Well done Oli. What variety have you got HPJ?
  12. william

    What should i buy?

    I am hoping to get a cabinet as well
  13. I've got 6 obv B + rev B, and one obv A + rev B
  14. Sylvester said it was less than 1% of the total mintage, They are definitely rarer than the normal one. But how rare...? I've just googled it but found nothing
  15. There's six of them, the grades are around NVF-GVF.
  16. william

    What should i buy?

    Are you going to get married to Farthing them JMD?
  17. Hmm, it's a toss between... Janine Jansen - Schindler's List, Main Theme (by John Williams) Nigel Kennedy - Hungarian Dance number 5 (by Brahms)
  18. william

    What should i buy?

    Yay, thanks JMD, but I probably won't be able to get it anyway. I will do my best though
  19. william

    What should i buy?

    No, go to predecimal.com for bargains
  20. Yes, that's probably part of the properties of being an extremely rare coin. But I think the mintage is more important than how often it comes up for sale.
  21. ..and to determine the grade
  22. william

    What should i buy?

    IMHO don't get the 1773, as it will probably get bought by someone else before you save enough money. Get either the 1935 or the 1953. I voted for the 1953 cos it's extremely rare, and you may not get another chance to get one for a while. The 1935 will probably appear in that grade more often than the 1953 won't it?