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Everything posted by william

  1. Really old stuff (classical), but I also like a bit of jazz
  2. william

    Just a little Hello

    Welcome Tim! I am William, and I collect Victorian coins. What do you collect?
  3. william

    Farthing hoard.

    Unlucky Chris. I wonder how much he's selling them for??
  4. What was the real reason??
  5. Wow, Oli'll be pleased
  6. There is an interesting article on it in A Beginner's Guide to Coin collecting, which is very accurate.
  7. william

    3 mystery coins

    How embarassing for you Kuhli!
  8. william

    Farthing hoard.

    Yes, that's the trouble, I would just want one, not all of them...
  9. Oh, that's what he means... Is that what you mean Jmd?
  10. Yes, laugh at me for being on a pokémon forum. You created it!
  11. He has a pokemon forum, and yes I know him
  12. Sorry about that person guys, he has his own forum and has very different policies.
  13. william

    coin alloys?

    Silver all the way!
  14. william

    Do we know what the €0.50 is made out of?

    I never knew that. Try and stick euros in flames and see what happens lol. Very embarrasing for you Oli
  15. The fares for my grammar school are......................nothing! I'm going to walk half a mile to school
  16. william

    Political Parties

    I think he's 19 isn't he?
  17. How many questions did you have to do for it MJMD?
  18. In the 11+ you just have to do two verbal reasoning tests, each with 85 questions. If i remember rightly, the pass mark for the grammar school I am going to go to was 223 and i got 249, that was in 2003 when I took it...
  19. Your lucky. I didn't get anything for passing my 11+. I don't get anything from my grandparents either! Your lucky too, as i said, i don't get any allowance from my grandparents, and only £2 a week from my parents!
  20. Yes, post a link! Or is it a problem with the hosting company and you can't get the pics to work on the hosting site?
  21. I might, I'll have a look later.
  22. Value isn't important IMHO. If you like the coins, keep them for that. If you don't like them, then you might as well sell them.