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Everything posted by davetmoneyer

  1. davetmoneyer

    Edward IV coinage (2nd reign)

    Hi, types 1 - XI Edward IV first reign heavy and light coinage, then HVI rest, then Edward IV second reign 1471-1483 types XII -XXII
  2. davetmoneyer

    3 Edward pennies for id

    hi first three are all late 10c-f London and Canterbury mint the fourth is class 3g London ( note crown with downturned sidefleurs and crescent contraction marks)
  3. davetmoneyer

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    Hi interesting IM, it is known that the 'square cross' IM of PTS C was used also in D but started to break up ( one corner missing ) It wold appear that the punch developed further damage and almost half of the punch breaking away. I would surmise that this is one of the last dies to be made with that punch before it was replaced with the cross found for PTS E. Very interesting coin
  4. davetmoneyer

    Help ID 4 Edward I pennies

    hi, no1 class 9b London mint no 2 class 10c-f London mint no 3 class 10c-f Canterbury mint no 4 class 3g or 4a London mint (cannot see the contraction marks in the legend to be certain if crescent then 3g if comma then 4a) all quite low grade unfortunately
  5. davetmoneyer

    Missing letter on Edward III Groat

    I know Gary Oddie has a copy and the Fitwilliam Museum coin dept certainly have a copy
  6. davetmoneyer

    Missing letter on Edward III Groat

    Ah right definitely Pre treaty series E so obverse legend falls into the group without A in EDWARD
  7. davetmoneyer

    Missing letter on Edward III Groat

    Hi firstly its not pre treaty C, wrong initial mark and letter R, The initial mark puts it as PTS E or G PTSE is known from several dies without letter A in EDWARD, L.A.Lawrence (Numismatic Chronicle 1929 p106 - 163, 1932 p 96- 174) lists 7 different dies but none correspond to the die used for your coin, More interestingly is the complete horllx of the legend from ANGL Z onwards it appears to read FRALIIB???? This legend is not given in LAL. It would be usefull to see the reverse of the coin to determine if PTS E or PTSG
  8. davetmoneyer

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    Hi rez scan ( pref 1200dpi) and weight are all I need
  9. davetmoneyer

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    Hi Had a second look at your phots and now concur, I had seen the centre of the rose only . Re Checking the book I am certain that the obverse is 14 mm ic DIG 8i, there are two dies with the triple stop after BETH and large rose, there are 4 other specimens recorded from die 8i, - the BM, Chris Comber, DIG collection 165 and one that was in Michael Trennary's lists G132 Aug 1987, none of these specimens being muled with 15mm ic rev, Could you send me a hi rez scan and weight to dave@grunal.com for inclusion in the upgrading of my book. I recognised the middle of your 15mm ic I bought that one from George coins 5 years ago!, Could you send me scans and weights of the other two, the last one appears to be a new die for my listings with single pellet after Regina
  10. davetmoneyer

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    Hi scarcer than the smaller flan issues so it just falls into the rare bracket
  11. davetmoneyer

    ID Help Please - Edward penny

    definitely 3b
  12. davetmoneyer

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    just checked my book Galata Guide to Threepences The coin corresponds to DIG 1ii/Aii, in BCW it is BA-1A (BA-1Ba has a colonstop after ELIZABETH and BA-3Ba has the smaller 14mm inner circle, The rose is 5 there is damage to the top of the rose making it appear as a large rose. There are probable die duplicates in my collection (rn 144) and in the J Hullet (desc) collection no 3. There are listed 10 examples of that obverse and 2 of that reverse
  13. davetmoneyer

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    No problem with this one, 1561 large flan issue (15mm) S 2564, don't have my threepence book to hand but will get a better id later
  14. davetmoneyer

    Edward I Bristol Farthing

    for the provincial mints Bristol is the commonest, then Lincoln followed by York and Berwick and then Newcastle the rarest
  15. davetmoneyer

    Edward I class 2a - Spink Auction

    The punches for the dies were generally replaced as they wore out so certain features tend to slurp over to the next class, the general face punch for 2a is one from class 1d, when the punch is replaced with the narrower one then that's the class 2b
  16. davetmoneyer

    Ship Penny of Aethelstan

    That's a rare yet crude coin
  17. davetmoneyer

    Hammered coin help

    Hi its a re-enactment coin ( badly struck) of Edward III halfgroat, I made that set of dies about 20 years ago
  18. davetmoneyer


    Hi the mint will be operating at the Harrogate Coin Fair this w/end, striking Charles II 3d and Alfred/Burgred lunettes pennies
  19. davetmoneyer

    Harold confirmation

    Harold I son of Cnut would guess that the reverse is the Jewel cross type
  20. davetmoneyer

    Plantagenet Coins

    Hi Bristol coin is class 3g, note S and crown, ( any penny with single punched S has to be class 3F onwards
  21. davetmoneyer

    Edward I (Class 3e) - Archiepiscopal

    The one to look for for York is class 3 with single punched S on either side for Royal and Episcopal, both types and mules 3e/f are rare to the Nth degree
  22. davetmoneyer

    Edward I penny ID help

    Crescent contractions - class 3 Single punch S class 3f or 3g neat portrait and crown with downturned end fleurs - 3g
  23. davetmoneyer

    Ed I York Penny - Everyone happy with 3b?

    Info from JJ North and Galata Guides, and my own 50 years exp with Edward I
  24. For the northern mints of class 3e there is no Southern mints ( inc London ) for that subclass
  25. For 3b York is the commonest coin then London , Bristol, Durham and then Canterbury in order of rarety