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Everything posted by davetmoneyer

  1. davetmoneyer

    Ed I York Penny - Everyone happy with 3b?

    Definitely 3b, there are quite a lot of dies used for 3b, No York coins for 3a or 3bc transitional so any York coins with pellets in crown have to be, by default, 3b
  2. davetmoneyer

    What are these strange blotches on hammered coins

    Hi not rare but pricey there are (IIRC) over 100 coins from about 30 different dies. R The class 10 ab with annulet is much rarer
  3. davetmoneyer

    York and the Jorvic Festival

    Hi All the mint will be set up tonight in Sansum square in York and I will be minting Alfred The Great coins and a wide variety of Viking coins from Monday till Thurs PM do pop in if in the area for a chat etc
  4. davetmoneyer

    York and the Jorvic Festival

    not a good idea to advertise on facebook when the house is not occupied I post up events when I have house sitters
  5. davetmoneyer

    York and the Jorvic Festival

    hi yes all over the country
  6. davetmoneyer

    London Coin fair

    Hi Thought I would share one of my latest acquisitions, Edward I penny class 3b/c transitional issue (quite rare) conjoined wedge drapery and pellets in stead of spearheads in the crown, London mint, acquired from C.J. Martin for £50 coin ex Middridge hoard, looks lovely in the hand
  7. davetmoneyer

    London Coin fair

    good quality coins are readily available throughout the trade at sensible prices all you need to do is hunt for them!
  8. davetmoneyer

    London Coin fair

    Hi Thought I would share one of my latest acquisitions, Edward I penny class 3b/c transitional issue (quite rare) conjoined wedge drapery and pellets in stead of spearheads in the crown, London mint, acquired from C.J. Martin for £50 coin ex Middridge hoard, looks lovely in the hand
  9. davetmoneyer

    Edward I Penny ?

    Hi Edward I Class 10-e (early) London mint
  10. davetmoneyer

    London Coin fair

  11. davetmoneyer

    London Coin fair

  12. davetmoneyer

    Edward I penny

    They are scarce rather than rare, I have about a dozen variants on the terminal stopping including single, double and triple stops ( The class 1c with double stops in the legend is however is very rare!)
  13. davetmoneyer

    Edward id

    Hi Class II also has terminal stops also ( Galata pg 38) to identify class 11 the crown has a damaged LH spearhead for all subclasses and mints. The coin illustrated above is class 10 c-e
  14. davetmoneyer

    Henry III Penny query

    If you look in Spinks you will find that Roger only struck for Henry III class 6c -7b style is for class 7
  15. davetmoneyer

    Tealby penny with an S

    Hi D F ALLEN refers to this legend reading in Henry II Cross-crosslets and regards it as standing for Senior or Secundus Types for class B, E and F,pg XXIV and XXXI AND XXXII. mints recorded Exeter (B or C) no 273, Ilchester (B3) no 278, Ipswich (B3) 298 London (E) 509 pl 22 17 ( different obverse die to yours) Your coin appears to read N:CA which could indicate Carlisle or Canterbury both of which struck in class E
  16. davetmoneyer

    Plantagenet Coins

    Common coin, remember over 145,000 Edward pennies have been found in hoards alone never mind the thousands found every year by detectorists. This, I believe is a south-sea bubble style price rocket and there are going to be a lot of disappointed people about when the price collapses. Fortunately the prices in dealers trays and in London Auctions are only slightly inflated. Attached is photo of 3 pennies - class 2 and 3a&b Edward pennies The class 2 and 3 b acquired at York yesterday for £30 and £70 The high price for the 3b is that it is a unique variety of London 3b with the drapery entered twice below the bust. I also include a similar coin of 3a with double drapery acquired from Spinks for £50 on my last trip to London similarly unique. Will post these in the unpublished section later
  17. davetmoneyer

    Is this a Henry IV penny?

    Hi as the kings name reads EDW no, try Edward III post Treaty
  18. davetmoneyer

    1652 over 1 Half Crown

    Hi generally the later digit would be stamped over the earlier digit, ( see Liz overdates and Chas I 3d overdates 1646/4 oxford)
  19. davetmoneyer

    York Coin Fair

    Hi All I will be demonstrating the manufacture of Hammered coins at the York Fair this Friday/sat and offering free identification of hammered coins. Look for me in the entrance lobby
  20. davetmoneyer

    Edward 1st penny identification ?

    Hi, the coin is class 2b London
  21. davetmoneyer

    Edward i.d

    scarce coin, like Kingston, ( beware of cast fakes)
  22. davetmoneyer

    Edward i.d

    1/ 3g chester, 2 correct, 3 Edward II 11b
  23. davetmoneyer

    Edward i.d

    no 4 is Edward III florin coinage, no 5 is Edward I class 9b without star on breast, ) no 6 Edw II class 11b
  24. davetmoneyer

    Edward i.d

    Hi for no 9 the mint sig is EXONIE - Exeter which puts it as class 9b, No 8 reads EDWA and has bifoliate crown so that puts it as class 10 onwards try looking under 10 c-e
  25. davetmoneyer

    Edward i.d

    Hi do you have a copy of Spinks Coinage of England or the Galata guide to coins of Edward I and II, failing that see my facebook page for Grunal Moneta https://www.facebook.com/654941368041899/photos/a.654945274708175.1073741828.654941368041899/654945498041486/?type=3, which has hi resolution photos of every class and subclass and mint for the English pennies of Edward I and II