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Everything posted by davetmoneyer

  1. davetmoneyer

    4 corners of the UK in Hammered

    Also not forgetting Rhuddygors Castle in the reign of William II struck for LLewellyn, and Dovey Furnace in the latter years of Charles I
  2. davetmoneyer

    Edward I i.d

    Hi definitely 3a check my Edward I identification pages https://www.facebook.com/654941368041899/photos/a.654945274708175.1073741828.654941368041899/654947268041309/?type=3
  3. davetmoneyer

    Groat id

    Pre treaty series D note the initial mark and the letter R
  4. davetmoneyer

    Groat i.d please

    PTS E
  5. davetmoneyer

    Groat i.d please

    Correct, one might be misled by the IM which is similar to PTS G but if you examine the letter M on the reverse you will see that it has ends to the side pieces, PTS F onwards has a curve to the bases of the ends. Top is PTS C-E, Then PTS F then PTS G
  6. davetmoneyer

    Ed Penny, contemporary forgery???

    John have you read all the posts in this topic?, the coin is not a forgery or a continental imitation but is a normal issue coin of class 3b from the York mint
  7. davetmoneyer

    Ed Penny, contemporary forgery???

    Hi fairly routine Edward I class 3b York coin, York is the commonest mint for 3b, then London Canterbury Bristol the rarest Durham. (Bury coin is debateable and is more likely to be class 3d
  8. davetmoneyer

    Edward Silver Penny

    Just joined the group. Hi My facebook page GRUNAL MONETA has a series of high resolution images of every sub-class of Edward I and II along with identification notes and extreme close ups of letters crowns etc https://www.facebook.com/Grunal-Moneta-654941368041899/photos/?ref=page_internal they are all found in the Albums section to get the full unfo just click on the photo