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Everything posted by blakeyboy

  1. blakeyboy

    3 Pence Hoard 1885 - 1919

    Agreed, but if you hadn't mentioned die clashing. If a blank isn't between the dies when they come together, they clash, and leave impressions of each other on each other. The results usually, as would be expected, show as sharp lines etc- have a look at early bronze pennies of Victoria. Ghosting, by contrast, isn't the result of damage to the dies, and is nebulous and vague, as you would expect. Have a look at early George V pennies.
  2. Oh I’ve had enough of this. This damn cold has morphed into the Cough from Hell. It peaks in the early hours and annoys the neighbours: Nessum Dorma without the singing. Oh it’s painful. I have gained some relief from a whole bottle of whisky in the past two days, and I’m totally dosed up with any chemical sprays and lozenges I could find in our kitchen drawer, which is currently sponsored by Beyer, as far as I can tell. I’m going into the greenhouse to breathe on some aphids. On the upside, I’ve now qualified to represent Great Britain at the World Coughing Championships in Rome later this month!!!! Not since my sister was runner-up at the Miss European Fire Exit finals in Helsinki in 1982 has our family been so honoured....
  3. blakeyboy


    Thank you.....went to the docs today to organise a scan- that damn cough has, I think, given me a hernia, like the one a cough gave me two years ago. Damn and blast.
  4. blakeyboy


    Honest posts like that are always required! I haven't bought anything interesting for ages- just been too busy trying to sell so much crap that's built up over the years, and get a website up to help with this. However, I read all that's posted. The one good thing I get from this site is getting an insight into other people's passions, and trying to understand what they see in coins I know nothing about....
  5. blakeyboy


    Now this is weird- I have no idea how an old picture appeared in this post....I know that sometimes the site remembers old posts and they appear in the box, so you just clear the memory and start typing but this is a surprise!
  6. blakeyboy

    Crackington Haven

    We are working in Crackington Haven in Cornwall for the next few days, and just in case work gets in the way, we're going down early so I can go on the beach late afternoon today with my new metal detector, to see what I can find. Up till now all I've found is bits of alloy from a German E boat that was scrapped on the beach in WW2...... I'll let you know when I find the sovereigns. Or not.
  7. blakeyboy

    Crackington Haven

    Yes...I was between low and high watermarks, so ownership is moot. It's a lovely beach, and I found just one coin, this wonderful example of a great rarity:
  8. I took this pic- got a T adapter so my telescope became my cheap camera's lens. No tracking, quick snap, no stacking software to build up the image. Even though it's not up to the standards you see a lot, I'm chuffed I caught the fact that Jupiter is striped! No moons visible- had to stop it right down...
  9. blakeyboy

    Picture of Jupiter

    You know, I think I've figured out your sense of humour!!
  10. blakeyboy

    More Pennies

    The tide went out. Wait 6 hours, and look at it again.
  11. ...especially if you are in jail....
  12. blakeyboy

    I’m new to collecting

    "strangely rewarding" - nicely put. Welcome to the forum! As for Ebay purchases- I've enjoyed buying mixed piles of coins, but searching using 'nearest first', and asking a seller of something interesting whether you can go round and have a look through the pile. I've done good deals there and then in the past.
  13. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    We have many names for you too, matey. It's been so exciting having someone like you turn up and give us your opinions.
  14. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    Not at all......I know that it's only useful to take things to a certain resolution once the point is made. I learnt long long ago that if one wishes to get more from a book, re-reading it one letter at a time is a backwards step.....
  15. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    I suspect you are over-thinking it. It's just another fun analogy to keep things lighter. (If I wanted to be really accurate, I would have stated that on current estimations he only owns about 88% of the ball.) His ownership of good pennies ( that many of us could have bought) isn't a problem- he's come to the right place. His deciding his cash can change certain established rules is questionable. His descriptions of forum members are objectionable. Are you supporting him in all of these areas?
  16. blakeyboy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What? Of a moron? Eh? No, I'm sure the world is full of morons if you look hard enough...:-)
  17. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    Keep digging mate- I do admire your tenacity and inability to apologise or back down after social ineptitude. I was wrong to use the toy aeroplane analogy. I admit that now. I should have run with the one about kid who turns up out of the blue with demands of a football team because he's the only kid in the street with a decent ball. How's that?
  18. ...my mate told me that I needed a boy to help me in the workshop, but so far I can't see any advantages....
  19. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    All so amusing, and reminding me of a lost time when you could have, when we were all much younger, for example's sake, a model aircraft club. All the members swapped info, ideas, and build techniques on how to get the most out of any model they own, or have built, or are hoping to build. In the village there was The Model Shop. For many years, in the window, was the most magnificent model plane. An unattainable plane. The shopkeeper had to clean the window often, because our noses were pressed to the glass so regularly. Then one day it vanished.... Later that week, a kid turned up at the club, and announced he had all the models that Airfix made, and now also owned the Plane from the Window. We were all very interested and excited and couldn't wait to see what this new kid was offering. All we got was a promise of some pictures, but no plane to admire in the clubhouse, no chance to see it fly, no, we were told it wouldn't be seen again. Those in the Club who liked the new member were described as 'intelligent and rational', and those who though him a bit of a pushy upstart who really should know his place as 'bitter, irrational and ignorant'.... Hmm.....I've been here years, and I still feel an outsider, and from day one I've been respectful to members who know way more than I ever will about coins. Piling in in the way we have seen this week, and saying what has been said is like the dealings of a petulant child. It crosses a line with me. Just because Trump does it doesn't mean anyone else should.
  20. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    Well, as to the elephant in the room, I think 48 hours is long enough to have seen an apology for this undeserved slur.
  21. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    Absolutely. So this rather means that someone who realises this through experience wouldn't ascribe a rarity number at all......!!
  22. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    The 'braggadocio bit' isn't, for me, the problem. (Would anyone claim not to have a swagger when owning such a fine collection?) I don't think the ability to spend cash and tell everyone about it gives anyone, except Michael Freeman, and Michael Gouby, the right to assign Freeman numbers or rarity symbols. Only immense academic effort is rewarded by the assignment of such rights and privileges,not spending cash....
  23. blakeyboy

    1954 penny

    Hmmm...you state the the 1954 penny will hopefully not be sold or seen again....have a good long think about that statement and how it sounds....