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Everything posted by declanwmagee

  1. Still just a 20p, Jon! If you can get more for it then good luck!
  2. declanwmagee

    1961 Florin Wanted

    I do believe it, Dave. Severely underrated. I haven't sold one since June last year, and I do get through the Eliz-II, so you do tend to see where the gaps are. That's one of them.
  3. declanwmagee

    happy birthday Stuart!

    This is what I did for my birthday treat: that's not me, obviously, but you get the idea. Practice for next weekend when I'll be doing it from 10,000 feet...
  4. declanwmagee

    happy birthday Stuart!

    Stuart! Is your birthday the same as mine? 21st September? That would be uncanny...
  5. declanwmagee

    Coin auctions.

    Much more fun than eBay isn't it!
  6. Thanks for that - I am sure you're right, but for £4 it's all good practice!
  7. I thought this was worth a punt to have a close look at the 3 in hand... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/penny-1863-coin-Queen-Victoria-/251640274598?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3a96eddea6&autorefresh=true
  8. This is the best that has passed through my hands: Davies 1744 (not the commonest microvariety, and there are a few!). Sold in April for a little under Spink but more than CCGB!. They're not easy, but they are out there. Patience grasshopper.
  9. declanwmagee

    1892 Florin

    Mine points straight downwards, but then it's not a DSLR. Do you need one? Probably not. Macro on a point and click does me just fine...
  10. declanwmagee

    1892 Florin

    I can't seem to find a brand on mine, but it looks remarkably like http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PRINZ-MINIPOD-TABLE-TOP-TRIPOD-WITH-BALL-AND-SOCKET-HEAD-/271577622602?pt=UK_Tripods_Monopods&hash=item3f3b49a84a
  11. declanwmagee

    1892 Florin

    Maybe try looking for a table top tripod, John. Mine cost me abut £12.
  12. Will the madness never cease? I've signed up for this: They need one more volunteer to make up the numbers if anyone fancies it. I say "volunteer", it's not free, of course, but it is one off the bucket list.
  13. declanwmagee

    Alex Salmond

    I suspect the terror level thing was to get Carswell off the front pages.
  14. declanwmagee

    Getting back into collecting

    Hmmm, doesn't look right, Rob. Wait for one with a more convincing colour, I'd say.
  15. declanwmagee


    Dark and Dull would fit in with most of us, I suppose...
  16. Fancy throwing them up on the forum and lets us have a drool? Here's the original thread with a few tasters... http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/8159-makes-it-all-worthwhile/?hl=worthwhile ...and here's ALL the photos... http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/thosecoins/library/Sovereigns?sort=4&page=1 drool away!
  17. I did! In fact one of them is my avatar. I hope that's allowed, having your avatar as someone else's coin!
  18. Is this the old dear who had all that nice Gold Declan? Did she ever sell it? No - it's a different old dear! I've known her for years but she only told me the other day who her Dad was. No idea, of course, how important his collection was. For most of his life, his family didn't even know he collected coins. And no, she's still got the gold - she got quite interested in it after all that. She may even end up buying some more....! She only needs to sell the single most valuable coin and she could afford lots more! I remember! DNW estimated £20-25k for the Sharps-Pixley 1828. Not a collection I'm ever likely to forget going through...
  19. Is this the old dear who had all that nice Gold Declan? Did she ever sell it? No - it's a different old dear! I've known her for years but she only told me the other day who her Dad was. No idea, of course, how important his collection was. For most of his life, his family didn't even know he collected coins. And no, she's still got the gold - she got quite interested in it after all that. She may even end up buying some more....!
  20. Did I mention that I do Dr Nicholson's daughters garden? Such a namedropper.
  21. declanwmagee

    1870 Penny.

    My Gouby Specialised does have an ISBN...
  22. declanwmagee

    Wanted -1953 farthing dies 2+A

    Every 1+B I've ever found (and that's only 3) has come out of a plastic set. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  23. declanwmagee

    £1 coin with flaw

    Just damage, Mike, I expect. Spend it!
  24. declanwmagee

    Wanted -1953 farthing dies 2+A

    Here's the one I sold - definitely currency, and the only one that has ever passed through my hands... http://www.declanmageecoins.co.uk/E2F.html#2+A