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Zo Arms

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Everything posted by Zo Arms

  1. Zo Arms


    I'll agree with Paddy. Let's have a gander at a few of your medals. And some Tower shillings please. Every day is a school day and I'm willing to learn. And if it awakens some latent desire amongst the masses, all the better.
  2. Zo Arms


    I'm still here. Check in at least once a day. Mike once asked me why I didn't contribute more. Told him I didn't have much of interest to say. 😐
  3. Zo Arms

    My Halfpenny varieties site

    Concentrate on making the penny site bullet proof.
  4. Zo Arms

    South African 3p coins

    If he's happy to pay full spot price for the scrap ones, I'd snap his hand off. Still 83p. Just looked. I don't think even the silver traders can sell at spot price. No margin for mark up or allowances for the price to fall.
  5. Take the ' r ' looking letter to be a 'c'. One Hundred. C for century.
  6. I've amassed, over the years, around 300-400 of these commemorative crowns. All types. Silver jubilee, Churchill, etc. Weighed in a load of cu-ni coins a while back. Not overly impressed with the scrap price. Short of doing the same with these, just wonder what everyone else does with them please?
  7. Quick update. Weighed in at EMR as 80/20 Cupro Nickel solids. £4.20 per kilo. 20kg. £84. Quick and simple. Heavy copper, currently £6.08 per kilo, for the bronze. And rolled Ali £1.10, for those interested. Blake.
  8. Zo Arms

    eBay Private/Business selling, HMRC & Fees?

    I delete all the cookies on my phone, regularly. Seems to sign me out of everything. Even here. Have to sign back in, to catch up.
  9. Zo Arms


    That's useful Paddy. I've some various Victoria that I have no interest in. Like Blake says, they have little value individually, if you trust eBay but a rarity spotted amongst a bulk lot, at auction, may make them more viable. Bit like coins really.
  10. Banks do take the old £1 and £2 coins, paid direct into your account. Google seems to think banks won't accept commemoratives. The Post Office will accept for goods and services apparently but I doubt I'd get shot of more than 4 at a time. And it's not something that I'd like to make a career of. Can't remember the last time I bought a stamp.😐.
  11. Zo Arms


    Poetically put. Exactly what I wanted to say but I struggled with the correct wording. Hence the short post. Christmas Day off and back to work Boxing Day. Suits me fine. I echo Paddy's sentiments.
  12. Zo Arms


    Yes. Best Seasonal wishes to all.
  13. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny Help William III

    Yes. The beaded border only appears on obverse 1 and reverse A. Toothed from then on. Yours has a tie knot at the top of the ribbon bows. That little pellet looking thing just before the hair starts, so obverse 1. If this were absent, that would be obverse 1* (freeman) or 1A using Dracotts system. Again, beaded.
  14. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny Help William III

    You won't find any published info on the REG F D colons. Purely my own observations. However, for obverse 4, 5, 6 and 7, there are differences, albeit subtle, between their relationship to the linear circle and themselves. Bit like riding a bike really . Once you've established it in your head, you don't forget. I'm sure the penny boys all have their own personal pointers. Have a read of the Halfpenny ID thread as well as Richards halfpenny site. Both are very informative. Bob.
  15. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny Help William III

    Obverse 5. The giveaway is the dent on her forehead. Another pointer, is the scalloped middle leaf, top three. Both are peculiar to obv 5, as is the LCW, to reverse E. It can also be identified by the centre veins of the leaves. Whether single or double. The REG F D colons also have a different relationship with the inner circle compared to the other, 1 thru 7 obverses. Bob.
  16. Zo Arms

    Halfpenny Help William III

    Yes. That's reverse E. The only reverse with LCW. Photo of the obverse please.
  17. I'd agree with the above. Not found one myself yet. Would you believe it, Gary has one. (Bronze and Copper collector). He posted a list, some years ago, showing a range of 1 over 1. I'll see if I can find it. Only slightly jealous. Bob.
  18. Zo Arms

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    I've just read the name properly and realised that it's not the strongman, Geoff Capes, who passed last week. Thought they were getting shot of his coins rather quickly.
  19. Sorry to hear that. Wish I hadn't asked now. 😐
  20. If Mr Freeman and Mr Gouby have never owned one, who was it that recognised the four die pairings? Mr Dracott?
  21. Thanks Alan. Just spotted your moniker. Nice one.😁
  22. I've not tried this but would it work on android please?
  23. Poor man only mentioned that he had a nice book for sale. Was going to remind everyone about this year's Bring and Buy, in the village hall. But on second thoughts.......