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Everything posted by Coys55

  1. Coys55

    Short Cross

    It looks like GOLDWIE.ON.CA, which indicates 3ab2 or 4a, but the thick side curls make it look more like 4a to me.
  2. Coys55

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    I agree. I really don't get sealing coins in slabs, and the holding tabs which cover part of the coin's rim detract from its beauty, especially if it has an edge inscription. Just protect the coin in a Lighthouse capsule and then take it out and handle it occasionally; unless it is proof or has lustre that may be damaged by handling it will not come to any harm.
  3. Coys55

    Mints and Moneyers

    I don't know if it covers your period of interest, but have you seen Martin Allen's 2012 British Numismatic Society paper "The Mints and Moneyers of England and Wales 1066-1158"? Download the PDF from: https://www.britnumsoc.org/publications/Digital%20BNJ/pdfs/2012_BNJ_82_5.pdf
  4. Coys55

    Richard III Groat for less than scrap!

    I'm not convinced about this. Is it a coincidence that on the UK eBay app the auction ended on April 1?
  5. There's a couple on eBay. Apparently it's by Davis. Here's one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1838-QUEEN-VICTORIA-CORONATION-53mm-MEDAL-by-davis/162910486913?hash=item25ee38c181:g:9b4AAOSwCU1YniE3
  6. Coys55

    1652 over 1 Half Crown

    I find this a useful resource for Commonweath varieties: http://www.sunandanchor.com/html/data_page.html
  7. Coys55

    Edward 1st penny identification ?

    The NGL spelling error is recorded in London class 6a and 9b1 so I wouldn't be surprised to find it in other classes too.
  8. Coys55

    Siege Sixpence. Or not.

    Surely this can't be right? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Unknown-Silver-Hammered-Coin-Siege-Sixpence-/202162280662?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=cyIk3RCFUkJQGtK0GeKStqTfe0A%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc It's not my area of expertise, but I can't believe this "unknown silver coin" is really a (Scarbrorough?) sixpence, More than one person believed in it to bid it up to £460 though...
  9. Coys55

    Siege Sixpence. Or not.

    Which thread?
  10. Coys55

    Rhuddlan Half Penny

    Yes, that's the one; I thought it was probably yours as they don't come up very often, especially on eBay. I spent ages searching for one and eventually called Spink's Numismatic book department and amazingly they had a new copy in stock for £75. The Austin is amazing; effectively a new moneyer given that Mass didn't know what his example was, athough it's no longer unique... I was pleased to pick up the class 2, and for what I thought to be a bargain £42; I don't think anyone else spotted it as a class 2. I can't remember seeing another for ages.
  11. Coys55

    Rhuddlan Half Penny

    I use my Mass all of the time (I got mine new from Spink 3 or 4 years ago and saw a used copy go on eBay for £102 a few weeks ago) and Wren is OK for a quick mint/moneyer/class check, but otherwise it's too basic. I also use Brand's BNJ paper "The Short Cross Coins Of Rhuddlan" whenever I pick up another Rhuddlan. I'll try to pick up a copy of Short Cross Legends after Xmas - thanks for the recommendation. I didn't see the Austin, but speaking of Mass, I picked up this example of Mass 704 (Class 2 Sitivene on L) in 2013. Like Mass's example it's on a misshapen flan, but mines shows that his example was missing a distinguishing extra floating stop over the L. Not the best condition, but my only class 2 and nice to be able to add something to a Mass example.
  12. Coys55

    Rhuddlan Half Penny

    I think I saw that Chichester too. Do you have a copy of Mass? I do and find it invaluable, by far the best coin book I own. I also own three of the actual coins from his collection (# 574, 1241 & 1275)
  13. Coys55

    Rhuddlan Half Penny

    Yes, I specoialise in Short cross and have around 100 at the moment. Probably around half are cut halves, which I only buy if they are cheap, in good condition and I can identify the mint and moneyer. I have picked up examples from the rarer mints that way, such as Carlisle, Worcester, Rochester and Wilton and of course Rhuddlan. I have quite a few voided long cross (Henry III) and long cross pennies (Edward I-III) too and some other hammered pieces from various kings, a few groats and some Commowealth pieces. Oh, and I have a collection of milled crowns too.
  14. Coys55

    Rhuddlan Half Penny

    Nice example. I always keep my eye out for Rhuddlan cuts in unresearched job lots on eBay; you'd be surprised how many there are out there. I now have 17 (12 halves and 5 quarters) covering all Rhuddlan moneyers. I must have missed that one though!