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Everything posted by Coys55

  1. Coys55

    Penny Henry III.

    I agree that the fact that the others are all clearly English and mostly class 6 and 7 makes the Ilger more likely than not English too rather than a continental imitation. I don't think we can rule it out completely yet though. Either way it's a nice group.
  2. Coys55

    Penny Henry III.

    Now we know its origins Gerry agrees that there may be enough irregularities for it to be a continental, although with the short-cross series irregularities are not necessarily indicative of anything. He says he'll take another look at it when he has some time. Rene, maybe you could post some pictures of the other Henry III coins is the find so that we can try to ID those and determine if they are English or possible continentals?
  3. Coys55

    Penny Henry III.

    I wondered that too, but thought it looked a bit too good for one of those. The fact it was found in Europe does make me wonder again though and I did think that the initial cross was a bit weird as well.
  4. Coys55

    Penny Henry III.

    Gerry agrees that it is a class 7a3 and is a new reverse legend to him. And if Gerry says it's new to him, then I it's probably new to everyone. Good find Rene.
  5. Coys55

    Penny Henry III

    I've posted an update in the original thread.
  6. Coys55

    Penny Henry III.

    I've checked my copies of Mass and the very comprehensive Short Cross Legends (by Gerry Slevin) and neither have it, so yes it appears to be a very nice unrecorded variant. I think it's a class 7a3, although I'm happy to be corrected. I've emailed Gerry for his opinion on the variant and the class.
  7. I’d have been 12 in 1967 and 11 or 12 sounds about the age I’d have been searching. I used to stay at my nan’s in Seven Kings in the summer holidays and get bags from the bank nearly every day, mainly pennies, halfpennies and threepences, but sometimes sixpences or shillings Never found a 1918 or 1919KN, 1869, 1950, 1951 or 1953 penny or 1946, 1949, 1950 or 1951 threepence. Lots of pre-1947 silver, but hardly and pre-1920 I still have the albums. Mostly worn rubbish, but pretty nostalgic.
  8. Nothing very interesting for you, just an 1866 penny that I found in a bag when I was about 12 (so almost 60 years ago). I remember finding it because it was the best Victoria Penny I ever found in my numerous 10/- (?) penny bag searches. When I found it it had been highly polished, but has mostly toned again now, although I assume that it can still be recognised as polished. I assume it was someone's lucky penny and it accidentally found its way back into circulation. Anyone care to ID it variety-wise?
  9. Coys55

    class IIb colon after HYB

    Here's my 11b with :
  10. Any comments on the heavy toning on this 1891 crown? I was wondering how would it get that dark even colour on both sides? Or has it been treated somehow?
  11. It does look copperish TBH, but at 28.28g compared to my 1890 and 1892 at 28.29g I think it's fine.
  12. What about the aluminium and baking soda method? Is that better or worse than Goddards? Or are they equally good/bad?
  13. It’s certainly the darkest and most even I’ve seen.
  14. It certainly looks like it been exposed to something. Would it be one for dipping?
  15. I have used Irfanview for many years; it's a great little package for basic image viewing and manipulation - and it's free with no nasty ads or spyware attached. I always set it as the default viewer for jpg files on my computers and any I setup for friends and family. Download it here: https://www.irfanview.com/ Irfanview offers many ways to change the size and resolution of a file (Image -> Resize/Resample image), but for reducing a file to a set size simply open a file, click on File->Save as, tick set file size on the small JPEG/GIF save options box and enter the desired file size in kB. Simples. Steve.
  16. Coys55

    Interesting commonwealth penny error??

    I've not seen a commonwealth before, but double struck short-cross pennies are fairly common - there are usually a couple on eBay at any one time, sometimes with bizarre descriptions claiming rarity (one was being sold as a "sceptre-less penny" last week). I suspect they were struck in such quantities and with little or no quality control that if one fell out of the die it was just put back in whatever side up and whacked again. Interestingly there's a double struck example in the hoard memntioned in this thread: https://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/14678-nice-hoard-of-henry-ii-to-henry-iii-found-in-norfolk/ It's the top-most penny in the picture. I can't tell from the fairly low-res image if it's two sided or the reverse rotated for the second strike though.
  17. https://tinyurl.com/yc23ymyf It's certainly not a Rhuddlan, but what is it? The reverse looks like NICHOLEONCA with a cross pommee and no stops or other punctation, which would make it class 8c, Mass 2150. Correct? I definitely don't think it's worth upwards of £106 in any case...
  18. Coys55

    Rhuddlan? Er, No It's Not

    Almost worth setting up a dummy account and bidding it up to win. Then not paying because it's wrongly described.
  19. Coys55

    Rhuddlan? Er, No It's Not

    It annoys me that he's going to rip someone off so I decided to message him anyway. Won't do any good, but at least I feel better...
  20. Coys55

    Rhuddlan? Er, No It's Not

    If the bidders can't tell that's not a Rhuddlan from those images I suspect that they will just label it and stick it in their collection. Oh and I also note that this is his first auction. Under that name anyway...
  21. Coys55

    Rhuddlan? Er, No It's Not

    Ah right. I was going to message him too, but no point.
  22. An unidentified full-flan Rhuddlan Simon retrograde with a start price of 99p? Am I being overly supicious in not trusting this as far as I could throw it? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275741516660?hash=item403379a374:g:ScEAAOSw97tkDhac&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4CyTquAa%2F97BBtwMvOfbNj8%2FFNTLd4vOyUXdBdJo7u22PBB8R%2FA%2BuWMvNoVUKcPz6QqTL2KqQTJc%2BbJTS668TgbreA2DCF4PKiuvMR6khMg%2BjfB6c0jKdTU4wZQXeebJZXgRI381xFaKW%2BSS4YxhbCBJ4HQcPpGzbFO%2FW6mxSioWpGjJmLhE6vWK%2B14Mz0BKd30K%2Fd0NUXPjmzMi6juO7r3cRAgbGrPaANKY0DljCKifiJCPyjmDrqGwcO7tpy%2F71iqkw%2FjKkmP%2F8kDPEIvgSW7DYLZcMDsBO37LjvOI7aMx|tkp%3ABk9SR5jEirvbYQ
  23. Coys55

    Too Good to be True (eBay)?

    Thanks. Another short cross expert said it looked fine too so I did bid, but lost out at £312.99. Didn’t surprise me that it went for that much though. I’ll just have to be content with my cut half from the same dies for now.
  24. Coys55

    Elizabeth l half pennies.

    Very interesting. I’ve just checked my tiny (9.5mm) commonwealth halfpenny and that appears to have same bumps and/or dents at 90 degree intervals. I can’t see them on the penny or half groat though.