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Half Penny Jon

Numismatic Research Group
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About Half Penny Jon

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    Currently adopting halfpennies only the best mind you!
  • Birthday 05/22/1989

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  • Interests
    Coin collecting Halfpennies (1900-1936).<br><br>Tennis<br><br>Cycling

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  1. Half Penny Jon

    1817 shilling 1910 shilling both UNC

    Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been as active lately! Im revising flat out every hour god sends for the summer exams, A2 politics is rather challenging! Anyway...these two coins are really nice, especially the 1817 shilling in my opinion. The 1910 shilling has very minor surface marks either due to very light cabinet contact or just mint bag contact. I'm not going to demand a certain amount for each coin...just PM me if your'e interested ar have any questions! Many thanks, HPJ.
  2. Half Penny Jon

    The New Check Your Change 2007

    Just had a look at it. Looks really good! Well done! HPJ.
  3. Half Penny Jon

    Not impressed

    The main thing to do is to make sure that you lobby them into changing the varitey description, and for them to inform all previous bidders. Make sure you keep on contacting them! HPJ.
  4. Half Penny Jon

    Happy Birthday to Jon...

    Thanks Oli... Yes tis true that I have not been "active" on the forum...however I have made a point to look every day for new posts! I spent my day doing my AS level french oral exam aswell as no less than two pointless General Studies exams (just an exam of common sense!) Anyway, no coins for me as of yet but I am saving up for the november LCF. I'm still not sure what I want to collect so any suggestions would be welcomed! Hammered looks good these days...
  5. Hello all! I found this in my change about a week ago. Utterly bizzarre, any new theories as to how it became like this?? My Ebay auction.
  6. Half Penny Jon

    London Coin Fair

    No problem Chris, ill see you in december then!
  7. Half Penny Jon

    London Coin Fair

    I did plan to attend but work prevented it..
  8. Half Penny Jon

    Language change

    Some may call the new 'chav' language evolution
  9. Half Penny Jon

    four pence coin

    Wow! I didn't expect that!
  10. Half Penny Jon

    Caring for coins

    There is the theft issue but I dont think that it should influenece your descision too much, if your coins are stolen by the common struck dumb teenager, they may appear on ebay or even at a dealers door. If they are stolen notify all nearby dealers and keep a sharp eye on Ebay. You shouldn't let criminals stop you from presenting your collection in the best possible way...
  11. Half Penny Jon

    Caring for coins

    I keep my bronze halfpennies in capsules in a cabinet, they look rather nice . I haven't encountered any problems at all with this method, no verdi gris or new carbon spots have appeared. Also, it prevents other coins from being 'infected' by verdi gris or cabon spots. I would reccomend this method to anyone, just make sure that you ask peter to make the insersts deeper to accomidats the capsules, he was fine with it when I asked him to do it for me
  12. Half Penny Jon

    four pence coin

    Maybe we can reform him/her/it!
  13. Half Penny Jon

    Mark Rasmussen...

    The advert didn't say which 1933 it is, we'll just have to wait and see...
  14. Half Penny Jon

    Mark Rasmussen...

    Sorry! Yes, pennies.
  15. I was in waterstones in Romford today when I saw Coin Yearbook 2006 on the shelf, after flicking casually through it I saw Mark Rasmussen's advertisment and a section detailing forthcoming coins for sale in his 'Winter list' He will be offering a 1933, and Edward VIII 1937, and a 1952! Now thats a rare trio if ever I saw one!