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Everything posted by FKPhil

  1. A mate of mine cleared out a relative’s house after death and came across a biscuit tin full of coins. Doesn’t look like anything earth shattering in there as far as I can see… but I’m no expert so would welcome opinions. Photos posted here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3k07t00vazfr5xd/AAA-Jo4NToag7MVvrwovdcwfa?dl=0 There were also some notes: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r1vlsrvu8sbkhz3/AAAha8WhnMZ0_VlhzuOG7nAfa?dl=0
  2. Thanks Guys, that been an enormous help.😊 If I could just trouble you for one more thing… I don’t think he’s too motivated to split these up and try to sell them so if I were to make him an offer for the entire lot have you any thoughts about what would be a fair price for both him and me?
  3. A few months back I learned my wife’s aunty had a gold guinea coin. Family legend says it was in her family since new (1748). [Quite incredible really because her family has always been skint.] I mentioned she must fetch it over next time she visits so I can have a look at it. Christmas morning I get the coin as a present from her!! J She doesn’t have any kids of her own. I haven’t started researching it yet but my first gold coin. Merry Xmas to me.
  4. Ooops... Thanks Ukstu. So not quite a good a gift a I thought.