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Master Jmd

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. Master Jmd

    For the younger ones...

    I dont mind them...by rubish i meant my old school
  2. Master Jmd

    For the younger ones...

    Unless you went to a rubbish junior school like i did!
  3. Master Jmd

    For the younger ones...

    ...We (my english class) started the Far From the Madding Crowd book last week. We started reading from chapter LVII (57 (The last chapter)) for some strange reason, we are now watching the DVD; the most boring film i have ever seen (no recomendations )...anyway, it has kind of cheered me up a bit as it means that we get to watch a DVD rather than do an 'Analysis of the book so far'.
  4. Master Jmd

    Awesome collection

    Ah, the colin adams collection, very nice indeed...i spotted this a while back for which i gave the 1937 blank reverse penny price
  5. Master Jmd

    For the younger ones...

    Talking about subjects... ...Year 10 of my school recieved our reports for the first term yesterday. I hate english aswell, but on my report i recieved an estimated GCSE grade of A- !!! ...That is the same with maths, chemistry and music, but i do not dislike them like i do with english. ...Another thing, my worst grade (E+!!!) was recieved in Biology, and i do not mind that out of the other sciences!!! Oh well...!
  6. Master Jmd

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    More amazed than worried i would say
  7. Master Jmd

    Interest in ancient coins

    Isnt that unfair to Tom and Dick?...Guests cannot post pics, but wouldn't it be unfair on both Tom and Dick?
  8. Master Jmd


    How can i get a Coincraft magazine or book, whatever it is? (website?)
  9. Master Jmd


    I'll write that JMD. Thats good
  10. Master Jmd


    do i have to get info for farthings and halfpennies?...if so, how shall i lay it out?
  11. I am curious, when will the 'New Titles Coming Soon' part on the rotographic site work...i am curious to what you have to say about the new titles due out in 2005...
  12. Master Jmd

    Sorry to be a pest, but...

    Quite ok, i have nearly all of the prices for Fine ...and half for VF
  13. Master Jmd

    Sorry to be a pest, but...

    Yes and i've just finished the halfpenny list now, i'll email it to you. Thanks
  14. Master Jmd

    Sorry to be a pest, but...

    Hmm...am i still doing prices for Halfpennies? If so, is the list ready?
  15. Master Jmd

    Sponk 2005

  16. Master Jmd

    Sponk 2005

    Thanks ...it was long after joining predecimal (and buying from predecimal) that i found Andy's website... ...oh well, maybe i was a bit stupidback then... ...anyway, welcome to the predecimal.com's forum Andy...good to see (or at least read posts from) other faces around here Edit: typo!
  17. Master Jmd

    London Coin Fair

    I hope its on a weekend as i will not be able to miss school to attend it...but i should be going to the next one Edit: Just checked, it is a saturday
  18. Master Jmd

    London Coin Fair

    Yes, when is the next London coin fair?
  19. Note you need to become a member in order to post a picture onto the forum
  20. Master Jmd

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    yes, i did not mean demonitised...i meant not minted but couldn't think of what to put ...it does look like a 3 on close inspection i suppose ...
  21. Master Jmd

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    exactly...but it can't be real, can it? ...no farthings were minted in 1755 (the year of demonitisation), and a farthing minted in 1756 would surely be extrodinarily rare, would it not?
  22. Master Jmd

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    ...hmm..and there was me thinking that farthings were demonitised between 1755-1771 1756 Farthing
  23. We'll need a grade (Look Here )
  24. Master Jmd

    Interest in ancient coins

    Mostly due to the fact that nearly all of the regular members do not collect hammerd coinage...Sylvester collects some hammered, but he also collects a wide range of milled...
  25. Master Jmd

    London Coin Fair

    ...many go for over £70 in Fair condition...Fine gets to about £100-£200...EF can be anything from £600-£2000...!!!