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Master Jmd

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. If you want to make a forum I'd advise you to start with www.invisionfree.com, or www.forumer.com. -- Urm, isn't the quote function working, or have I done something wrong?
  2. These "spammers" as you put it aren't exactly "spammers", but "bots", sent out (like spam emails etc..) but with the purpose of signing up to forums and posting their adverts. I googled and found this: thing about how to stop bots. It doesn't seem too promising but from what I've read IPB's next update should have a very useful bot stopper. One way of stopping them (haven't tried this) would be to create a user group for total beginers, meaning that they can't start topics (only reply) until they have a cirtain amount of posts. But I guess if someone signed up just to start a new topic involving a coin question this wouldn't help that much. (Just checking in).
  3. The link for predecimal.com in the same row as "Gallery, Help.." doesn't link properly and instead goes to a "http://localhost/", which is just a page that can't be displayed. *thumbs up* Oh, and I like the look of the forum, although I think the old one was chirpier and brighter.
  4. Master Jmd

    Happy Birthday Master jmd

    Heh thanks, I would've thought you lot had forgotten about me. Haven't been here for a while. The day was pretty dull really, everyone I know is on holiday, including most of my family. Broke a tradition though, its the (I think) first birthday I've had where it hasn't rained Usually I would keep my bday/xmas money to put towards a coin, but this year I've decided to get a better guitar, I'm just a few hundered quid short of the one I want ~~ My mum gave me a box of 6 2001/2/3/4 silver proof 20 crowns, that she had been collecting herself during the time I thought a crown was only something the Monarch wore. It was quite a pleasant supprise as I'd heard nothing about these coins before (I don't even think my dad knows (and for my mum's sake I better keep that quiet)). ~~ Thanks again, I thought I'd come here to see if anyone remembered me, and well.. you did GCSE results soon, something I'm not particularly looking forward too. Oh, and PS: I think I can also legally drive a tractor now too I'm still not allowed to withdraw money from the bank though >.<
  5. Thats sad to hear, I would've hoped the collection would've been kept by Colin's family... I hope the collection doesn't get split up too much, but in saying that I wouldn't mind a piece from his collection.
  6. Small Question: Why, on the dropdown browser menu, does http://www.predecimal.com/forum have a '£' sign next to it?
  7. Master Jmd

    Saw a real wild snake.

    Ooo... I like snakes, but I also have yet to see one in the wild. I also like dogs (providing they aren't biting me at the time)... Spiders are what get me
  8. I recently purchased an 1825 Farthing from eBay, and after examining it I can say that it is obverse 1 with a lower 5 in the date. I cannot see myself if it is an overstrike, so I have attached a close up, and would like to hear from anyone who can tell me what it most likely is (Ie: 5/5, 5/3 5/? or just simply a lower 5). Thanks.
  9. Ah, thats a bit more clear... It looks like a load of numbers to me - "64 - 45 15A" maybe?
  10. To me it looks like "Blank 15F" but it is very hard to tell... Is this your own coin? I'd love to own something with a little "touch" to it like that. Edit: The letters I can make out from "Blank 15F" are "Bl" at the begining, a gap (where an "a" could have been?) then "nk" maybe with what looks like an "o" or "d" after that... the "15" is quite clear, and the "F" could be "A, F, H" maybe even "I"...
  11. Master Jmd

    1852 Farthing

    It could be, but I think its more likely to just have the E readjusted a bit.
  12. Edit: This is about a different coin but of the same era, my mistake. Well if you got the image from the Basil Nicholson Collection featured on colincookecoins then you would have been able to read: This is more than likely the same coin, just different images. Where did the images come from? Oh, information found: here Edit: Ah wait! Its a different coin silly me... Ignore this then i guess... I'm sure I've seen this online before somewhere...
  13. I've just been browsing the farthings on ebay and came across this. It is a farthing of 1853 with only one dot after "DEF", whereas most(?) have a colon. I checked to see if any of Colin Cooke's site listed any, and there are two, one with WW Raised and the other with Incuse. But there is also one with the colon type for WW Incuse pictured. No books that I have, Spink or CCGB list this colon/dot difference, and I was wondering if it is actually noted anywhere?
  14. Master Jmd

    member title

    Its in Edit My Profile under "Custom member title" You may need to have a cirtain ammount of posts before you are allowed to change it.
  15. Master Jmd

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Some people are just too desperate me thinks: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-UK-Fifty-pence-5...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-UK-Fifty-pence-5...1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. Master Jmd

    London Coin Fair Reimages

    More fancy than mine. I don't have a tripod, so what I do is place the camera on top of a big oxford dictionary and it comes out just fine Although, come to think of it, I'm sure I used to have a tripod... Ah well. Those are very nice pics oli, well done.
  17. It cirtainly looks nice, I haven't heard of a broad other than of Cromwell. Looks like a Charles II Unite maybe? Although the portrait would be wrong for Charles II, interesting coin!
  18. 1. Sounds like a pattern or token (not fully sure). 2. Sounds like pennies to me. The 1797 would be a cartwheel penny, and looks something like this? The 1807 looking like this? 3. Could be a half penny or farthing (im guessing its copper going by your other coins) (example image). 4. Is probably a half penny or farthing of Charles II (reigned from 1660 - 1685) Pictures would be of help.
  19. Master Jmd

    British Penny

    Shouldn't things like these be listed?
  20. Michael Coins lists: and 1970: Link
  21. I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean, but if I am on the right lines then yes, the 1970 Proof Halfpenny (from the issued sets) has this wide rim variation. I think it is also the same that the wider rim is scarcer than the normal rim type.
  22. Master Jmd

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Well heres a Victroria Fathing ...looks like someone put the "r" in the wrong place... Ah, he also lists 1894 and 1901 Victroria Fathings and a few ...ooo...Edward VI Fathings! Oh, and it looks like Edward VII reigned a few years before that.. Now theres someone who knows what hes talking about!
  23. Can you get a picture of this coin? I'm interested to see what it looks like... and plus it might help determine if the coin you have is what you say it is.
  24. After looking at my 1853 and 1857 farthings, I noticed that the A's in BRITANNIAR and VICTORIA are unbarred. I have now looked at other copper farthings and noticed that all farthings between 1848 and 1859 have these unbarred A's. This is strange as the A's in GRATIA are barred. Is there any known reason for this?
  25. Master Jmd

    1853 Farthings, dot or colon after DEF

    I had thought of that. Colin Cooke's EF WW Incuse (Link) looks quite clear to have only one stop. I don't know about the mark where the lower stop should be, but that same sort of mark is found to the right of the stop too. The same sort of mark is found where the upper stop should be on this 1839 one stop after DEF farthing, yet that is still listed as a different type.