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Master Jmd

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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. Master Jmd

    1933 penny

    in theory they could sell it if they went abroad...
  2. Master Jmd

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    ah right , it was just that sylvester was saying about you Oli...
  3. Master Jmd

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    what have i done?
  4. isnt this topic about what mobile phone we all have?
  5. Master Jmd

    1897 High and Low tide.

    no, the picture is low tide according to chris, and my 1897 pennies have a tide higher then that!
  6. Master Jmd

    1897 High and Low tide.

    hmm ...all of my worn 1897 pennies seem to have a high tide
  7. Master Jmd

    My avatar?

    um, it says that i am not allowes to upload the image???
  8. Master Jmd

    My avatar?

    ok, thanks
  9. yes, that is what i dont get...the water is filtered before it gets through your taps...so why waste money on water when you can have as much as you like for cheap out of a normal tap?
  10. Master Jmd

    My avatar?

    hmm...i cant seem to...all i see is a red X in the top left corner...any ideas on what to do to see it?
  11. i would say that the figure in the middle of the coin is in government (or something important), and the figures around him are sort of vice governments?
  12. i dont see the point in drinking bottled water, its just tap water that gets filtered again...
  13. I have just noticed that my 1943 halfcrown and my 1944 florin are whiter then the other's...why is this...i tryed to clean the half crown with silver polish (sorry ), and nothing seemed to shine apart from the letters...why?
  14. your just old ...i never/hardly ever have my mobile on in school though
  15. the size is just right for me, it just fits perfectly, in my school blazer pocket...
  16. yes, but the: is definaty not german, it could be austria-hungarian (given the date), but they spoke german too...
  17. Master Jmd

    whats up with them?

    i have got atleast 3 of each of the 2 coins, but i would say that theese are the best conditioned ones... could be, but i would find it very strange that my others are normal looking... i said sorry
  18. Master Jmd

    oldest and newest

    could it have been cleaned
  19. Nokia 82:10, had it for ages
  20. Master Jmd


    yes, but people could go to their profile and change their birth date
  21. Master Jmd

    oldest and newest

    hmm...in my collection all together, my oldest coin is the 1797 cartwheelpenny and my newest is a 2004 1 pence and 2 pence...but; out of my predecimal pennies: oldest = 1797 newest = 1970 proof i also do have a folder for storing todays money in: Oldest = 1968 10p (i like that one for some reason) Newest = 2004 1p/2p...
  22. ok thanks for your help geoff
  23. Master Jmd


    HPJ is an often suspect , i admit i also do it sometimes too
  24. hmm...strange... oh yea, it comes in plastic case, like you sometimes see patern 1937 Edward VIII crowns in, but it has 1952 - 1977 on top...i do not know much about it, it came from my aunts who passed away last year, so i cant really ask her...
  25. well, i have two silver jubilee crowns of Eliz II, one of them is the one that john described, and the other has the crown jewled in the middle of the rev. with the words; Celebrating The Silver Jubilee Of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II - around it. on the obverse it has the queens head with the words; Silver 1952 1977 Jubilee H.M. Queen Elizabeth II - around it...i am wondering why there are two types that both seem to be english...