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Master Jmd

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. Master Jmd

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    (sorry couldent edit ) Chris - for the rotographic site, why dont you put a page where people can say and post a picture/webpage about an unidentified coin; such as that 1951 crown with the edge inscription, this way your book could be one little step ahed of the big books (spink etc...) ...also, chris - can you think about making all the members who are in the 'numismatic research group' able to edit their posts please ...
  2. Master Jmd

    £2 necklace?

    ok thanks , this saves me from looking endlessly for nothing
  3. Master Jmd

    Rotograpic.co.uk P2

    I have seen the new improvements to the site, and would like to say how quick you are advancing chris ... --- ...and i am pleased that my idea got put on the site
  4. i do latin, i find it horrrrible... and nice tripple posting sylvester
  5. latin is horrrrrible!!!
  6. i have: £ = shift + 3 $ = shift + 4 € = Alt Gr + 4 ...and there are other Alt combinations...
  7. Master Jmd

    eek! foreign coins...

    thanks kulhi
  8. I have been clearing my room out so my dad and i can dacorate it, and when i moved my cupboard i found that there was a bag of foreign coins behind it...can you help me identify them and give values: • Russian or Greek?: 20 APAXMEE (First A is like a triangle, Last E is like a backward 3) 5 of them = 1976 VF, 1982 VF, 1986 GVF x2, 1978 AVF... Russian or Greek?: same as above but 50 not 20 APAXMEE 2 of them = 1986 AVF x2... Russian or Greek?: same as above but 100 not 50 APAXMEE 1 of them = 1990 EF... Russian or Greek?: same as above but 10 not 100 APAXMEE 2 of them = 1984 EF, 1986 AVF... Russian or Greek?: same as above but 5 not 10 APAXMEE 4 of them = 1986 AUnc, 1988 EF, 1982 AVF, 1984 VF... Russian or Greek?: same as above but 2 not 5 APAXMEE 1 of them = 1984 GVF... all of the above have what could be greek or russian lettering, the APAXMEE is what is writen above the coin denomination (20, 50, 100 etc...) all of the russian/greek coins are circular, they may not be russian or greek... please help, thanks
  9. Master Jmd

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    me detects that someone was seriously drunk...
  10. i have been looking at this, it looks quite nice for £15.00, what do you think about me getting it, its just that something looks strange about it...?
  11. Master Jmd

    The London coin Fair

    if i were you then i would get there as early as posible, otherwise, some of the realy nice coins would have gone
  12. Master Jmd

    The London coin Fair

    i am not allowed
  13. Master Jmd

    eek! foreign coins...

    ok, thanks
  14. Master Jmd

    New coins...

    i have just noticed that sixpence virtual tour of yours, very impresive...keep up the good work/spending
  15. Master Jmd

    1933 penny

    i thought they were all burried under a london univecity or cathedral...
  16. Master Jmd

    1901 penny

    i wouldent have bought it if it didnt have full lustre, yes, full lustre on both sides
  17. why 1969?...new 10 pences started in 1968...
  18. Master Jmd

    1901 penny

    yes, very...it is now my no.1 penny
  19. i have nothing elce to do it with ...im sorry chris...my PC wont accept Photo shop or coral draw for some strange reason
  20. yes, EF seems like a reasonable grade to put it to...
  21. i do not have Photo Editor on my PC, and i have uploaded images like this from paint before
  22. Master Jmd

    1901 penny

    my 1901 penny has arived, it is exactly as described, nothing to worry about...
  23. Master Jmd

    New coins...

    quite a good deal there sylvester, i bet you like them
  24. that is quite nice... all you have to do is edit the picture in say microsoft paint, and inclede both pictures in the same picture...then click browse to find your image...
  25. Master Jmd

    Sylvester for Moderator

    yes, well done sylvester, you did deserve it