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Master Jmd

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. I have one of those NHS 50p's that i found in circulation in 2000/2001, but i have not seen another since, so you may get lucky... I already have all the 'rarer' 50p's apart from this years...
  2. what is the difference between ornamental trident and plain trident? this is PT: My Webpage and this is OT: My Webpage what is the difference?...the tridents look the same to me...
  3. Master Jmd

    Going to Euro...

    hehe, well said
  4. probably 'Hypoythetically', he is only 11 you know
  5. any coins as long as they dont go past £5
  6. Master Jmd

    american coins

    be careful in future chris... and, yes, best wishes to you and the baby
  7. Master Jmd


    we have seen his picture in the Members only place...
  8. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    my 1953 farthing is beaded on the obverse and toothed on the reverce, not beaded on both sides...
  9. Master Jmd

    commemorative coin

    that is what i am thinking, it is not an english coin...
  10. if i was a billionaire i would buy the coin section of the british museum, and see what money i had left for better coins...
  11. Master Jmd

    commemorative coin

    what country does it have on it? (Gurnsey, Jerset etc..)
  12. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    my 1955 is beaded on both sides, and oli has said that there are no other varieties of QEII farthings...
  13. Master Jmd

    Paranoia setting in!

    would keeping the nicer coins i have in capsuals or my coin folder prevent this?
  14. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    ok, whilst we wait, could you tell me if there are different types of 1954, 1955 and/or 1956 farthings?
  15. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    so is it 'rare'?
  16. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    this is a better pic:
  17. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    it must be a rare mistrike then
  18. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    i am positive... sorry about the picture, it is hard to see, but this is it:
  19. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    oops, i meant; toothed on the reverse, beaded on the obverse...
  20. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    it is beaded on the date side, and toothed on the farthing side...
  21. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    what do you mean by a bead?
  22. Master Jmd

    Was this a good buy?

    -------- the folder has finally come through, the coins that i can see are unc (or atleast lusterous) are: Farthings: 1953 - 56 all full lustre (BU) Half pennies: none Pennies: 1953, 1962, 1965, 1966 and 1967 Sixpence's: 1953 Shillings: 1953, 1966, 1967 florins: 1953 - 67 (all) Halfcrowns: 1965 - 67 Crowns: all
  23. i have a silver coin; on the reverse it has a wreath around the number 10, and it has a female head on the obverse with the words; Confoederatio Helveticaaround it, dated 1884...