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Master Jmd

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by Master Jmd

  1. Glad you bought this up, today also marks my 1st anniversary of being a predecimal forum member aswell . Also thanks to everyone here, especially Chris for creating this great forum, I hope that this next year will be just as interesting.
  2. no need to post this twice...here
  3. Master Jmd

    Quiet lately

    I'm still here
  4. I've just found a token (presumably) within my collection that I know nothing about. It is silver in colour, and has a hole in the middle with 3D P E on one side, and VALUE IN KIND ONLY on the other side... Any ideas of where it originates from?
  5. Master Jmd

    Copyright Laws

    Ok, will do
  6. On my website, I am thinking of adding a Coinage dictionary. Would it be breaching the copyright laws if I was to copy a definition of a coinage term but reword some of it? Example: The royalmint has "Ae - Abbreviation for the Latin Aes (bronze), used for coins made in brass, bronze and other copper alloys." I put "Ae - Abbreviation for the Latin Aes, used for coins struck in brass, bronze and other copper alloys." Would I need to change more of this? Thanks
  7. Master Jmd

    Copyright Laws

    Ages ago, I printed off the entire Royal Mint's coinage dictionary for reference. There are many other places I could get information from, but putting it all in alphabetical order would be a massive task so sticking to one or two sources would not get to confusing...
  8. Master Jmd

    Copyright Laws

    So would I be safer to email the Royal Mint asking for permission to do what I am doing?
  9. Master Jmd

    Webpage Berg!

    There is no link to The Collectors Society on the forums page Also, could you change the link to my site to www.mjmdcoins.tk instead of www.mjmdcoins.a11.net? Thanks
  10. Master Jmd

    My new website

    I've added a British Grading section to my new website. Click here, then click coins, and click British grading from the left menu. I think that I will stick with this site at the moment as I can use frontpage with it
  11. Master Jmd

    My new website

    After Mitch created his free website, I got the urge to own one myself. Also with help from Mitch at getting the host and site builder working, I have now finished it (My Webpage). There is still a bit more to do to it, and more pages to load, but I think I have completed the basics of it. There is also a forum link (My Forum), which, as with Mitch, I am looking for moderators and what I have put as super moderators to help the forum in control (PM me if you want to be a mod/supermod).
  12. Master Jmd

    My new website

    As a trial for an improved website, I have also created This, my new website, which can alternatively be found at www.mjmdcoins.tk. I appologise for the advert at the top, it goes away after a while
  13. For its date it is quite amazing to find it...
  14. Master Jmd

    My New Web Site

    That looks great Millimoo...I will add a link to your site this afternoon
  15. CCGB 2005 values "up to £20 proof in leatherette" or "up to £10 BU set".
  16. I think that the layout of your site is one of the best I have seen, keep up the good work
  17. You have some very nice coins there Saltford (sorry, I could not find your name on the website). One mistakey kind of thing that I noticed was that the enlarged image pop-ups cut the bottom off of the coin picture...is this just for me?
  18. Master Jmd

    Webpage Berg!

    Hmm...maybe...have you removed the links totally? Because I cannot find them any more!
  19. Master Jmd

    Hobbies, Other Interests

    Lol...but I doubt that slabbing services would accept...unless they know the wonders of being married. Good basis to start up a wife-slabbing business though.
  20. Master Jmd

    Webpage Berg!

    Another thing is that you have set hyperlinks to go white when clicked. This means that they go invisible to the white background
  21. I think that all forums have an image restriction (maybe with the exeption of coinpeople).
  22. Master Jmd

    My new website

    Mines on A11.net, which has pre-made templates...I do not know if it is possible to get the code for this...