Hello there. Firstly, I must thank the moderator of the forum for activating my account so rapidly, secondly I would like to say hello to you all in the general sense. I am very, very new to the world of coin collecting. My collection went from zero to approximately 200 within the last week. An elderly family friend was about to throw out(!!!) 200 odd old coins when she asked me if I wanted them. In the past I've made a few quid from Amazon/Ebay sales, and I'm ashamed to admit my materialistic, somewhat mercenary nature was instantly aroused. However, in just this short period of time, I've completely fallen in love with these coins. The look, feel, obscutirty and history of these things gripped me instantly. In the short time I've had them, I have missed many hours sleep staying up late into the night looking them up online and in the few reference books my local library had. It fascinates me the way each coin seems to have a history of its own. I have catalogued them in a very basic form so far, by age, country or failing that, continent. I have no idea of their worth, but from my research so far, it doesn't appear to be much. I'd say probably 60-70 of the coins are of British origin. Ranging in date from 1757-1957. I don't know even half their original numeric value or names, so I wont embarass myself trying to list them at the moment. A couple of the books I took out from the library seem to be useful, basic, beginners stuff. So, if anyone here is interested, I might try and post a full listing in the next few days/weeks. (My internet connection is somewhat sporadic at the mo, having just moved from East Sussex to the Surrey/Kent border. Although I'm NOWHERE near as posh as that makes me sound.) Anyway, thanks for reading, nice to meet you all!