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Everything posted by n_jones

  1. Hello all, Thought you might like this, and I'm using it as an introduction. I've been metal detecting for around 6 months in the 1/2 acre of my garden on the Surrey border, although it's a small plot, i'm yet to go out without picking up at least 1 coin (admittedly, mostly post 1980 2ps) but I try to get at least a few hours in each week. I've not sold any, and not really looking to, but find the history of my plot very interesting. about a mile away is a hillfort that belonged to Julius Caesar, and the area was used by multiple royalty as a hunting ground. Notorious highway men also frequented the area, and I've found a lot of evidence of blacksmithing and coaching. I have bucket-fulls of rusty iron nails and horseshoes from my first couple of months, but starting to get my "ear-in" now. The soil is very acidic, and tends to burn most of the coins, but have had modern, right back to Roman-AD89, and everything in between. My first ever find was an 1889 Silver Florin, which had obviously been drilled and used as a necklace, but it got me hooked. I have shined that one up, as I'll always keep hold of it (I know this is kind of taboo) One of the many finds I've had was this George III, with (in my opinion) a lovely patina. I need to get a better setup for taking photos, but will keep posting them here if people are interested. I'll also need help with identifying some (I posted an odd bronze coin I found earlier today). cheers, Nathan
  2. Thanks guys, i should add, I had a tick-bite the day of posting that (tiny bugger).. and I am now in Johannesburg suffering with lymes disease. The dangers of metal-detecting, who knew 😆 Luckily the clinic here had my blood tested, diagnosed and me fully medicated in less than 24 hours (a day after I arrived). I hate to think what would have happened through the NHS, I'd probably still be waiting for an appointment ill resist posting any pics of it, it's horrible.
  3. Hello All, I found an interesting tiny bronze coin in my garden today (with a metal detector), and was hoping someone may be able to identify it. I have previously found a Roman bronze , Domitian ~AD89, very near by (my profile pic), but the design on this one looks more like Celtic. This is in the Surrey/Hampshire area. I've just given it a light rub with some wax for the moment, as I've killed some previous (non valuable) coins with cleaning. Any input would be appreciated, It's around 10mm across, and may just be a broken piece for all I know. The design looks very similar to some of the Coriosolites coins I've seen online, but this is a guess. Apologies for the pic quality, I'll replace with a proper macro one when I find a chance. thanks in advance!!