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Everything posted by deemas

  1. deemas

    Edelred coin? Need help in identity

    German coins is not a low quality silver but they are always springy
  2. Can't find the similar. Need your help to identify. Thank you in advance.
  3. deemas

    Edelred coin? Need help in identity

    I've thought the same. Seems the silver is more springy as used on most Germans coins. The British coins are made from much softer silver. May be a way of remelting the Kufic coins?
  4. deemas

    William I and William 2 coins?

    Thank you guys!
  5. I think they are. Someone can help with it's mintage?
  6. deemas

    Is it Harald II?

    Thank you for clarifying!
  7. deemas

    Is it Harald II?

    Hi Friends! What do you guys think? Is it a Harald II, or it's just my mistake?
  8. Cannot identify it at all
  9. deemas

    William I and William 2 coins?

    Thank You Stu!
  10. deemas

    William I and William 2 coins?

    Sorry for bad pictures guys. Will try to make life better I still did not realize how that's work here. So, the images:
  11. deemas

    William I and William 2 coins?

    Yeah, i’ve thought exact that
  12. I'am new here. can someone help me identifying the smaller coin at the right corner below. Other coins shown are Edelred, Cnut and Harthacnut Thank you
  13. deemas

    Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

    Harald I and another Edward the Confessor?
  14. deemas

    Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

    Wow, such a knowledge. Thanks Rob!
  15. deemas

    Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

    There no such a coins in the area I live I just get them in a trade for the army patches But it's a really hard to understand them all, and even a mint
  16. deemas

    Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

    and obverse https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNdAJutizdsKvl9jDr0aXiLBOAK5nDX5IyTBTxr_1YjEf9j6hV3YW-f9BlPtrKZJQ/photo/AF1QipN210itPvKoJp5LmTAE_GlANebMALO0leHa5dha?key=U2xnWnpQZE51a1JTMmdrNmNzT0VWMUhOZjN1SW5R The image doesn't inserted to the post, and I cannot post more pictures Thank you Ukstu
  17. deemas

    Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

    Thank you. No, I ve just get a small collection approx a 30 of them are approx a same period. Here is then one Harald I and another Edward the confessor of Pacx type as I understand