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Everything posted by Coppers

  1. Coppers

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Online now... https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=sale&sid=8646
  2. https://new.coinsweekly.com/news-en/geoffreys-copes-exceptional-collection-comes-to-auction/
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=145759903017&_sacat=0
  4. Coppers

    Coin cabinets

  5. https://www.yahoo.com/video/queen-elizabeth-ii-said-clueless-044821749.html
  6. VS -- do you recall brouhaha here on the other side of the pond over blue-toned Indian Head cents?
  7. Coppers

    Back to the future?

    Just noticed this... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/britain-may-revert-back-to-the-imperial-system-as-part-of-its-plans-to-capitalize-on-new-brexit-freedoms/ar-AAOzvBH?ocid=msedgntp Any chance pre-decimal coinage may be making a comeback?
  8. Just read in Coins Weekly that the September Coinex has been cancelled... https://coinsweekly.com/coinex-2020-cancelled/
  9. Just received the following email from The Coin Cabinet... https://mailchi.mp/757bdcc153ac/coronavirus-5-actions-we-are-taking?e=fbe1a73be3
  10. So. I actually feel some sense of relief. All this time, I was thinking that I was the only one who found this incredibly annoying.
  11. link https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Georgius-111-Britania-Coin-1807/223699827582?hash=item34158c7b7e:g:xzQAAOSw6GJdoIJY
  12. VickySilver reports that he just received the following penny out of the Waterbird Collection...
  13. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    As for "looks scratched to me" -- which are you going to believe -- the Proof 67 grade or your lying eyes? 🤐
  14. I can't imagine that anyone would prefer a new bathroom to that penny. Well done!
  15. "It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than it is to get permission". -- Grace Hopper
  16. Thought this looked familiar. It appears to be the same coin that went unsold in their March auction... https://www.sixbid.com/en/baldwins-of-st-james/5784/united-kingdom/4837647/edward-vii-proof-like-penny-1902?term=penny&orderCol=lot_number&orderDirection=asc&priceFrom&displayMode=large&auctionSessions=
  17. Yes -- German federal coins from 1871 onwards.
  18. For those who have not yet read the latest issue of Coin News, there is an excellent article written by Richard Sessions on the rare George V pennies of 1922-26.
  19. Hi Rob. I've been here all along, but just haven't had much to say. 🤐
  20. Bernie, More likely it's your eyes that are watering... link
  21. It's not the FBI that decides if further investigation is required nor the extent of that investigation. The White House itself placed limits on the FBI investigation as to who could be interviewed. Curiously, these interviews included neither Kavanaugh nor his accuser.
  22. ALC with DB2 -- and hopefully Ian Pickles had taken the precaution of numbering his punch cards before you shuffled them.