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Everything posted by Coppers

  1. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Looks like this seller has set his sites a tad lower... Try Try Again
  2. If someone offered me a Petition Crown (unlikely) and I could afford it (even less likely), I wouldn't be very concerned whether a US grading service called it and 63 or a 65. With major US rarities such as the 1804 dollar, it has been observed that the grading services have been far more lenient than they are with most coins. If I'm not mistaken one of these 1804's actually was graded significantly higher by the grading services every time it was submitted. The grading services in the US are not consistent, yet most dealers and collectors here value coins according to the grade assigned on that slab with ofttimes vast price differences between some of the 11 grades of mint state. Some have even suggested using decimal points which if ever adopted would give us 10 times that number of grades. When I buy a coin I always ask myself if the coin would be just as desirable and as valuable outside the slab as in. If its value is dependent on the slab, I pass.
  3. Scott - they struck billions of those pennies. If I had a a slabbed 1933 British penny and removed it from its graded plastic casing, I don't believe that would have any impact on its value. How much do you think that $15,000 MS-70 penny would be worth if someone were to remove it from its casing? What happens if the next time a grader examines it they only think its a $25 MS-69?
  4. Coppers

    Who/What is Satin ?

    Neat -- where did you 'find' it?
  5. Careful Peter -- were it the only one known you might be making light of a £19000 coin.
  6. Quite a difference between the photos using natural and artificial lighting. That's one nice farthing. Congratulations!
  7. But how can you ignore those prices? You have to ask yourself, who is a £20 1967 halfcrown or a £15 1966 penny aimed at? It can't be the likes of us, as you would hear us laughing all the way from the moon. So who, then? Gullible novices? I would have said London Coin Auctions were too reputable for that kind of scam. So who, then? It makes no sense, none at all. The more I think about this, the more baffled but also more annoyed I become. It's like they're either taking the mick, or trying to con someone as yet unidentified. I wish one of their representatives would come on here and give us the benefit of their thinking. I suspect that what you are paying for here is not the coin, but the plastic that surrounds it and the grade that it has been assigned. Here in the United States such nonsensical pricing logic has become the norm rather than the exception. Here's one of our more extreme examples... a penny for your thoughts
  8. It would be interesting to see what would happen if either of these two pennies ever came up for auction again.
  9. Does anyone recall the 'die 5' penny that sold for a similar amount the year before? Here's the link... http://www.coinlink.com/News/world-coins/u...a-record-17500/
  10. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Anyone remember this? Now only £199.99 or best offer
  11. Did anyone notice the announcement appearing in the latest issue of Coins Magazine of the impending sale of the Crocker Collection of pennies described as "a comprehensive collection of pennies from 1860-1953 featuring many of the rare Freeman and Satin varieties" as well as the Douglas Collection of farthings described as "a small collection of farthings featuring some of the rarest and highest quality patterns and proofs"?
  12. Did anyone manage to win any of the pennies or farthings in the recent CC sale?
  13. Very nice coin. Congratulations!
  14. and who would have looked twice at lot#142 !!!! must be the ugliest E8 penny ever, looks like fire damage Not a pretty penny, but someone must have looked twice as it already has a bid.
  15. The recent Colin Cooke sales with photos are still accessible online under 'Collections'. Here is a link to them. CC Collections
  16. Sale is now online. Bidding begins on Thursday. The Crocker and Douglas Collections
  17. Scott, Is that circulated penny you noticed on ebay by any chance the altered 1933 penny that DaveG38 spotted on ebay which realized £500? 33 penny
  18. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    the "1933" has gone for £500!!! I bet the buyer go a shock when he bid the reserve. 10-49 feedback, I hope they knew what they were doing. I think the second bidder had it about right £102 Another penny for our consideration.... One in a million?
  19. Here is a link to a photo of the 1864 copper farthing which will be appearing in an upcoming Colin Cooke auction: link
  20. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Already at £870.00 with four and a half hours to go.
  21. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I was wondering when that missing 33 was going to turn up. Interesting description on the coin that certainly should make one wary... 1930s Penny (Marked 1933)King George V Fair condition as shown. An opportunity to aquire a rare coin which experts have appraised and concluded that it is possibly quite valuable. Judge for yourself !! Sold as seen.
  22. Link to uniface 1965 pennies in Colin Adams' Sale
  23. Neil Paisley has one for sale on the Colin Cooke site at £345.00 George V Farthings
  24. What on earth is one of those? With their auctions they notify all bidders as the bids are placed, giving them the opportunity to increase the bid or withdraw, selling to the last person standing, some items take days to conclude. If you are lucky the farthings you are bidding on are not among those which take 'days to conclude'. VickySilver's description of this as 'Chinese water torture' is certainly apt.
  25. I believe that it will be an auction. Insofar as what farthings are being offered, the announcement featured photos of a Cromwell farthing, a lustrous Anne farthing, what at first I took to be an 1839 silver farthing (but upon closer inspection looks more like an 1837 -- perhaps someone with better eyesight can help me out here) and one of the great rarities of the series Neil's 1864 copper farthing.