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Everything posted by Coppers

  1. What does this have to do with a set of bagpipes?
  2. This was just reported as fake on the PCGS forum http://www.ebay.com/itm/141226341896?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  3. The example of this token you found on ebay is significantly overpriced for the condition it is in, which is likely why it has received no bids. It still is a token from one of the more interesting periods in US history, one in which Great Britain did play a role, and as such you might want to retain it as Tom suggests.
  4. Did a google search on Saxby's coins and came across this... http://www.forumancientcoins.com/board/index.php?topic=72874.0;wap2
  5. A number of American auction firms actually post the reserve price -- not sure how many UK firms employ the same practice.
  6. Did the same and got the same answer. A lot I was interested in apparently had a reserve on it at 3 to 4 times the estimate.
  7. May not have been pulled. All of the coins and prices realized in this sale do not appear to have been posted yet.
  8. Same link without the print option... http://www.ngccoin.com/news/ViewArticle.aspx?IDArticle=2831
  9. If anyone's interested, the website of the Civil War Token Society can be found at http://www.cwtsociety.com
  10. I'd like to say it's the American way of spelling spot, but actually it's a die engraver's error on that particular Civil War token. Other tokens which used a similar design had the correct spelling. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Patriotic-1863-Civil-War-Token-Shoot-Him-On-The-Spot-Dix-Token-/141203665094?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20e064f0c6
  11. Coppers

    Toning Madness Lives!

    Two of the comments found on the PCGS thread were of particular interest. The first which confirms all of my suspicions about the mindset of those who collect such coins.... "Shucks. I could go for just about any of the them. I don't give a hang about dates, mintmarks, even grade. To me this is all about the color. I have been saving for a long time and come the Central States Show I should be good to go." ..and the second which is my favorite... "I rarely pay more than a 10% premium for post mint improvements".
  12. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    One in a million.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Great-Britain-Georgius-IV-1895-Coin-With-Error-One-In-Million-/261396741906?pt=US_World_Coins&hash=item3cdc75bf12
  13. Seems that they are basing their estimates on the American model where a one point difference in grade can represent thousands of dollars in part due to the registry set game where one collector is trying for a higher point score than another. As Neil points out the small population of coins graded can make a highest graded designation meaningless and I am not so certain that even were a higher percentage graded such valuations are warranted.
  14. is now online... http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/
  15. Coppers

    St Andrew's Day

    "We've covered religion, racism and now politics, all in the last few days. Something for everyone on here :)" Now here's something that has not been covered yet... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/28/north-devon-uk-picture_n_4357380.html
  16. Coppers

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Agreed -- this is a far friendlier place than some of our American forums.
  17. The set has been offered for sale on the Heritage website for quite some time now with a buy-it-now of $60,000. Sold for $13,800 back in 2004. http://coins.ha.com/c/item.zx?saleNo=340&lotIdNo=24060
  18. I just got a "trojan horse blocked" message from my when I went to the above aboutfarthings link.
  19. It's very amusing this comment because i know certain individuals who buy top quality coins that have been cleaned or polished, they then use their own "secret recipe" to tone these coins - you should see the results they are astonishing!! These coins regularly end up slabbed with very high grades attributed to them and lets just say I have seen these coins slabbed by every coin grading company including one in England ;-) the toning is so good it would fool anyone unless you had seen them regularly!!! Therefore this American collector has probably actually bought some of these artificially toned coins and seems he is very happy with them ;-) If you should ever decide to post such information on the PCGS forum, I can't imagine what the reaction would be..then again maybe I can.
  20. Somehow I think it will actually be worse tomorrow than today -- and I'm an optimist.
  21. Do you know what the E8 pattern and any of the proof sets brought?
  22. Just watched lot 189, the 1817 Three Graces pattern crown in silver estimated at £6000 to £8000 sell for £19000 -- thought the auctioneer mentioned that it went to someone bidding from Japan.
  23. is up for auction along with a run of proof sets starting with a 1746. http://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/mellors-and-kirk/catalogue-id-2871812?categoryid=160264&page=1