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Peckris 2

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  1. Peckris 2

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    I wouldn't go that far - the coins that you've used it on are as relatively scarce to each other as the index suggests. As far as general copper and bronze coins go, most people use Freeman / Peck / Gouby as reliable indicators of rarity. Spink’s catalogue’s values can be used as a vague indication of rarity but need to be taken with a huge pinch of salt, as popularity as well as scarcity affects values : for example, the 1902LT & 1912H pennies are nowhere near as scarce as their values suggest.
  2. Peckris 2

    The moon tonight

    the moon today:
  3. Peckris 2

    Type 4 & 5 - 1992 ten pences

    I remember that @scott had a strong interest in these varieties at one time.
  4. Peckris 2

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    I don't know this Numista rarity index at all, but from what I can see it appears that the higher the number, the rarer the item. I was initially thrown by the R7, because the grading scale used by ESC (for example) only goes up to 7 which means extremely rare. Freeman goes up to 20 which is ‘possibly unique’. With your (fairly standard) Charles II 4d rated R40, I deduce that index may go up to 100? ETA: just Googled, and indeed it goes up to 100, but they say it’s based on how many Numista members have the item and how often it is up for ‘swap’, so fairly esoteric, I'd say!
  5. Recut letters - a frequent occurrence on Victorian coppers and bronze.
  6. Peckris 2

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    The engraver was Bertram McKennial not de Saulles. I wonder where you get the R7 from? Quite a nice coin, between F and VF for me.
  7. Peckris 2

    Picture of Jupiter

    Anything's better than that.
  8. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This is what happens when you've not noticed you did ‘Flip horizontal’
  9. Peckris 2

    Auctions for single coins

    Pictures of said coins would not only be appreciated, but are a must!
  10. Peckris 2

    I’m new to collecting

    Welcome to the forums You can always ask here for advice, especially about where to buy from, and what to get. What are your main interests?
  11. Peckris 2

    Excel spreedsheets

    Creating those historic prices was a right bit of hard work! So I've only done it for coins in my collection, but luckily I've got all the relevant Seaby/Spinks for the years listed.
  12. Peckris 2

    Excel spreedsheets

    I created my own database set of tables using FileMaker Pro - this is just four of the tables showing one of the coins:
  13. wouldn't be a joke in America where they pronounce it ‘booey’ not ‘boy’!
  14. Peckris 2

    Hammered coin for ID please

    there's a hammered forum here