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Peckris 2

Coin Hoarder
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Everything posted by Peckris 2

  1. That was my vote too. I'm guessing that a copper proof is lustred, whereas a 'bronzed' proof has the unlustred natural bronze finish. I'll just wait for @Rob to come along and give a different reason! In which case I'll go with his superior knowledge.
  2. Peckris 2

    The bronze in your pocket 2021 pocket change

    Even then it's only boring 1p and 2p coins. 20p only goes back to 1982, everything else is no older than the 90s.
  3. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    There was no consultation about changing to decimal currency, though there was a competition for the designs which Chris Ironside won.
  4. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    Agreed. I believe the main reason we didn't lose miles was due to the cost of changing every road sign and signpost? As for pints, they were just part of 'pub life' that was so prevalent in the 70s. Now, with pubs being much more continental in style with kids welcomed and the biggest profits from food, I think it wouldn't be so horrendous to change to litres etc. I'm not a Luddite, I just find people's heights and weights in feet and stones easier to deal with but for everything else I'm happy enough with metric.
  5. Peckris 2

    The bronze in your pocket 2021 pocket change

    Possibly because there's no current US silver? IIRC the Kennedy half dollar of the mid-60s was the last.
  6. Does Windows have the equivalent of Activity Monitor on Mac? I.e., a utility that shows all the processes using RAM, CPU, network, etc. That way you can see what's using your computer's resources and the answer MAY be nothing to do with your browsers. For example, on OS X there's something called kernel_task which can get out of hand : if relaunching the Finder doesn't work then a reboot will.
  7. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    Mine too, and I find it hard to think of heights in metric and weights also. But I'm the same generation as you (probably) and I recognise that to anyone under 60 using metric heights and weights is natural. They're the future, not you and I.
  8. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    You might as well say that shopkeepers should be free to use £sd instead of decimal. Oh wait, the EU had nothing to do with our going decimal
  9. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    Eh? Why on earth would someone use an ancient set of scales, and why would you regard that as "lack of shopkeeper freedom"? There are EU regulations that businesses had to comply with, but there were also UK regulations and I don't hear you complain about those.
  10. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    Fair enough - I didn't know that. HOWEVER... the total shortfall across Europe is 400,000 of which 76,000 are disproportionately in the UK. And a large part of that is due to Brexit as the East European truck drivers have all gone home. Yes, Covid is a facet too, but Brexit is cited as contributing factor.
  11. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    You missed the crucial paragraph in that link: "Customers can ask for a pound of bananas but traders are obliged to weigh them in metric units. Thoburn had used imperial scales."
  12. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Did you catch the seller's name? coinshavesouls ... I think that should read "coin shaves souls"
  13. Peckris 2

    R.I.P. Greavesie

    He and Saint were legends 😢
  14. Peckris 2

    Back to the future?

    No they didn't. Typical Daily Mail invention 0% based on fact. The EU did not have officials over here checking on food labels etc. And we were only ever half-assed metric anyway: pints etc in pubs. Miles not kilometres. Lots of food sold in 454g (1lb) packs. Same with our membership of the EU : not in the Eurozone. Not in Shengen. A big budget rebate making our contribution the lowest % of GDP of any member. And in return, we had lots of lorry drivers and no empty supermarket shelves. . The only generation comfortable with Imperial-only is the faux-nostalgic old fogeys who won't be around very much longer.
  15. Peckris 2

    More Pennies

    LMAO. The extra (fig) leaf appears to be on the reverse...
  16. "No. Cencel thet. It's from Pizza Express..."
  17. Peckris 2

    More Pennies

    You'll probably find there are more varieties and micro-varieties for 1858 than all the other copper series dates put together.
  18. Wow. I never knew he'd been a writer of Chinese fiction, for which he was apparently better known.
  19. Peckris 2

    The bronze in your pocket 2021 pocket change

    I'd like to see the bronze coins disappear completely. The 1p is worth less in real terms than the 1/4d was when demonetised.
  20. Peckris 2

    More Pennies

    Is that the finest known 1882 no H ? I've never seen one anywhere near that good.
  21. Peckris 2


    Agreed. The Facebook group seems better suited to beginners as you say - where they can get immediate answers but don't need to access stuff from ages ago. Mind you, there's always the 'Search within Group' feature to find older stuff - though it has to be a Group not a Page (what's the difference? who knows. who cares...)
  22. Peckris 2

    has there been a software change?

    The site is back to normal today
  23. Peckris 2


    yes, I think I prefer the cleaned HC too - especially the obverse.
  24. Peckris 2

    Help With Denarius Identification

    Isn't the etymology of trump, 'trump'? As in, make a loud noise that smells really bad...
  25. Ah, not in my role as coin collector. However, in my role as big time arms dealer and drugs runner on the dark web, I do have some familiarity with it...