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Peckris 2

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Everything posted by Peckris 2

  1. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Indeed - there's a gold Victorian sov in one tin. Is a "restrike" of a gold coin also in gold?
  2. Fake? Whatever next?
  3. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    Yes, but not the current currency ones, and they are the ones that could (should) be abolished.
  4. Absolutely right - singletons of what COULD just be a misstrike are curiosities only until more turn up.
  5. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    Though it's a long time since people referred to currency coins as "pennies". For years and years now they've been Trump's running mate.
  6. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Someone should inform her that - yes, it's true! - Jane Austen actually did write Pride and Prejudice.
  7. Shooting gallery? He SHOULD be shot after the Capitol riot. Impeachment's too good for him!
  8. Somewhere. But it will take forever to dig it out!
  9. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    Maybe. But it would be a shame to lose a denomination we've had for 2000 years - it's just a matter of knowing which coin to apply the name to.
  10. That's "Priti" Patel!!! Why does Gove still look like a slapped fish even as a woman? The words "bargepole" "foot" "wouldn't" "ten" "touch" "I" "it" "with" "a" come to mind.
  11. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    So that's nearly 2 and a half times the value of 1p ! Even the 2p is worth less than a farthing.
  12. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I also liked The Two Ronnies Swedish phrasebook... F U N E X ? S, V F X F U N E M ? 9. V F N 10 E M (girl walks by carrying large ham) O - U F M !! O K, V F M O K - M N X 4 2
  13. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I'm tempted to think she - or her shill - is 3***i looking at the bids.
  14. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    Yes, keep the name but apply it to something else. The original d was a denarius, a silver coin. Perhaps the 10p could become a 'penny'? Yes, they could be just in sets for the time being - the denomination could therefore be 'one pence' and not a 'penny' as such. After all, a penny has been a silver denarius, a Saxon sceat, a small medieval silver coin, a Maundy denomination, a copper trade token, several types of copper coin, then a bronze, finally a (now worthless) steel decimal 'bronze'. You do realise that the 1p is now worth less in real terms than the farthing was when demonetised in 1960?
  15. Peckris 2

    2020 penny

    I think they should abolish the almost worthless coppers!
  16. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I rather think Thompson's mice post-date her childhood!
  17. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Looks like a museum shop repro. Anyway, the seller has 91.7% feedback which tells you all you need to know!
  18. Peckris 2

    More Pennies

    Agreed. Or else 'old man Seaby' owned it simply as a curio, though knowing it was not authentic.
  19. Peckris 2

    Rare coin lost in post

    You said - your own words! - that the RM did NOT officially notify you about the recovery!!!
  20. Peckris 2

    Rare coin lost in post

    I'm being picky here, but of course that's what a solicitor would be...: What PROOF do you have, to supply to the RM that the "lost ... parcel [ has been ] subsequently traced"? You've had absolutely no official notification of the fact, just the word of the purchaser. Yes, you could argue that there would be no reason for him to lie about it, but "I submit M'Lord, that there has been no official notification in this case".
  21. Peckris 2

    Rare coin lost in post

    On the other hand, since it was the RM who told you that the parcel had now been found, isn't it up to them to ask for repayment?
  22. "Hi Susie Worm" "Hi John Worm. What's new?" "Nothing. But something not new.. I found another Roman sestertius the other day. My collection is really coming along" "So that's 2 sestertii, 3 belt buckles, 1 Spice Girls fan club badge, 6p, 3 discarded face masks, an empty Special Brew bottle, and a used syringe, right?" "Yeah. Gonna sell the lot at Baldworms when the time's right"
  23. Peckris 2

    Freeman 14 Penny

    What I was trying to say was: 1. Person puts 2 (or more) pennies aside at the time they were issued. These would be strikes from the same die if got from a bank. 2. The pennies stay in the same family for generations. 3. In modern times the current owners decide to sell, which means two pennies struck within minutes of each other, appear on the market in a relatively short space of time, complete with identical die flaws.
  24. Peckris 2

    Freeman 14 Penny

    Or possibly both were saved by the same person from the same source at the time, and have both come on the market in modern times. Even recently sold by the same person which would explain their presence on the market?
  25. Peckris 2

    Grannie's old sayings

    The full version is How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood