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Peckris 2

Coin Hoarder
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Everything posted by Peckris 2

  1. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And if anyone dared forget and referred to her as the "Empress of Blandings" it was "Orf with his head!" or else "I'll have two eggs with that".
  2. Peckris 2


    I can't use it anymore (disability) but I do have the Ion Obelisk amp - it's solid state but has a built-in quality that gives it a quasi-valve sound. Paired with a Denon moving magnet cartridge it's not half bad.
  3. Peckris 2

    1981 10p

    My thoughts exactly. Melted by the Mint due to lack of demand seems the most likely explanation, especially as no more large 10p coins were issued outside sets after 1981. When you think that 1952 sixpences, 1959S shillings, even 1946 3d bits in average grade, are relatively plentiful (and they are all mintages of only 1m or even less), you'd expect a coin of 3m specimens to be even more common and they just aren’t.
  4. Peckris 2

    1981 10p

    That's a sound theory Rob, though it doesn't account for where all those 3m 1981s went?
  5. Peckris 2

    1981 10p

    I had a spare (high grade) which I was in the midst of selling to Brian but he's disappeared off the radar. He had health issues, I hope he's ok. I very much doubt the rumour about some being 1980. I read that from 1953 all mintage figures relate to the number actually dated the year in question. What seems more likely is that as 1981 was the last currency strike of the large 10p (all subsequent issues were 'sets only') maybe many of them were never issued but were later melted down? That might account for them being so scarce now.
  6. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I used to have a Sassanid silver coin - 100 times better engraved than that horror!
  7. Yes, I've seen that several times before. What's particularly disturbing is the weight of Tory members that know he's a complete dick, but just don't care.
  8. Peckris 2


    Ditto. Hadn't realised about the charity. Hat off.
  9. Peckris 2

    CGS slabbed coin

    I think you should have xxxxxxxx'd out the email address in your quoted post, as per the above!
  10. Peckris 2


    Dave Gilmour needs the money, of course. (Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar, four star daydream Think I'll buy me a football team)
  11. Yes, it was probably egotistical Emperors who collected the artwork of their own visages on coins, and of the 'deities' their ancestors had become.
  12. Nail now firmly hammered home.
  13. Peckris 2


    One of Blo-Job's infamous quotes - "Scots should be exterminated" "All Liverpudlians have a victim mentality" (in relation to Hillsborough!) "picanninnies" "gangster letter boxes" etc etc.
  14. Sometimes rarity alone is almost enough. Look at picture postcards (which are now sent as a tiny % of olden days), and vinyl records even before the resurgence of interest in new vinyl releases. Numismatics I believe is the oldest hobby going back hundreds, maybe 000's of years?
  15. Yes. His prices were fair with occasional bargains. I did have to return a couple of items to him and he never quibbled and always sent a prompt refund.
  16. Peckris 2


    Ian Blackford - without naming him explicitly - called him a racist. The Speaker warned him, then invited him to continue with his question. Ian Blackford didn't withdraw the 'insult' and wasn't warned again. Says it all really.
  17. Peckris 2


    Frank and Fergie?
  18. I can't see his eyes, but he's definitely got legs...
  19. Damn - we're out of Dope!
  20. There's one like that for crows and vultures: KEEP CALM AND CARRION
  21. More likely is that it didn't meet reserve - maybe someone had expressed an interest if it didn't?
  22. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It seems to be the "raised edge" proof which was .925. I don't know what you mean by 'pattern proof'?
  23. Peckris 2

    What is the best coin collecting software

    This video shows the template editor being used quite extensively: (This is for LignUp Multi Collector - was that the software you trialled?)
  24. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes. You can see the 'raised edge' quite clearly on the reverse image. The legend on the obverse looks good, as do many features of the portrait, but not the hair. I think it's very much a coin that needs to be seen in hand. Currently up to £640 which seems rather tasty for a 1935 silver proof.