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Peckris 2

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Everything posted by Peckris 2

  1. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Can you change feedback? Didn't realise you could.
  2. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    That's very strange - instead of a genuine feedback it just describes what was bought! Almost as it the seller had their own suspicions about her and decided to make sure that any subsequent buyer looking up the seller/item would spot the word "restrike".
  3. Peckris 2

    Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I Soter with chop marks.

    You know, perhaps they could! I don't know which Ptolemy it is, but the whole Macedonian / Egyptian succession thing is a can of worms.
  4. These are a few reviews of the Paul Ross canvas print (copied and pasted so hopefully I won't get a "Forbidden"): 1. WOW I've been looking for a 20 Inch Box Canvass of Paul Ross since my (completely inferior) 18 Inch Box Canvass of Paul Ross was damaged during a Barium Enema. Thankfully this Canvass really is excellent. The quality of print complements the sheer majesty of Paul's cherubic face. For a while I considered mounting a large number of these on my ceiling to create a Paul Ross canvass ceiling but unfortunately I realised that this is what my wife would be staring at during our frenzied horizontal moments, and what kind of a man can compare to Paul Ross in the bedroom? "No-one" I hear you cry! I've ordered four of these now: One of them is above the fireplace and is naturally the pride of our entire home. On the second canvass I've cut out the section where Paul's face is, and when I drive to pick up the kids I wear the canvass and pretend that I'm a famous celebrity dad, the kids simply love it. The third is purely for recreational purposes, I've cut a whole where Paul's mouth would be because my wife has demanded that we French kiss through the hole (I want to point out that I wear the canvass for kissing, not her! Although I'd gladly turn for just one of Paul's tender mouth hugs.) The fourth is a backup. 2. Yesterday I was a bed ridden, drug addled alcoholic with no hope, no future. Then I bought this. Now I'm a bed ridden, drug addled alcoholic with no hope, no future, but with a 20" Canvas of Paul Ross. You just never know what lies around the corner. 3. I used to be a very successful insurance salesman at xxx. I had riches beyond belief: some friends at the country club let me in on this secret that all the old money had canvas printed photos of Paul Ross, so I bought one at auction. There was something wonderful and majestic about it, some people say the enigmatic smile is a knowing reference to his Merovingian ancestry. It hung for 3 years above the alabaster fireplace in my drawing room, replacing Munch's Scream, which I borrowed from a friend who was also in the insurance business. But over time there was something unsettling about the picture. At first it sounded like it emitted a high pitched, almost imperceptible, tone, like an old TV set. Then it started whispering things to me. After a while it started telling jokes and then giving me stock tips. Eventually it recommended I invest all my money with a guy called Bernie Madoff. Now I have nothing, I get high by sucking anti-freeze from car windscreen washers, and even had to take public transport. My only possession is this picture of Paul Ross. It is my love, my life. He completes me. 4. Don't buy this picture. It looks fine on the website, but the one they send you is upside-down. My wife hasn't stopped crying for a week. I got "Forbidden" again but discovered what the problem is - Review 3, after "riches beyond belief", contained a long list of luxury items to illustrate the point. Chris P's software obviously searches for trade names and bans them as spam.
  5. On the topic of pens, these reviews are a must! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Retractable-Medium-Point-Black-FHAP21-Black/dp/B005PFESMG/ref=pd_sbs_229_1/254-8039283-2715401?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B005PFESMG&pd_rd_r=69b31c70-639a-11e9-beb5-5715658d5e47&pd_rd_w=VjmdR&pd_rd_wg=BRyfI&pf_rd_p=18edf98b-139a-41ee-bb40-d725dd59d1d3&pf_rd_r=P09TQZV6CJG1GJRR0C1J&psc=1&refRID=P09TQZV6CJG1GJRR0C1J
  6. Wrong. They weren't a 'product' in any way shape or form. They were trials for new coins, rejected in the end, but not intended ever for sale or circulation. They are fascinating glimpses into the life of the coinage and of the Royal Mint when it was a non-profit making offshoot of the Treasury. The RM is now a company that exists to make money in addition to minting currency. If there's an interest in those commercial products, then fine. But please, let's not pretend it has any firm connection with numismatics.
  7. Peckris 2

    Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I Soter with chop marks.

    Can't answer the question, but interestingly I have one of those : it doesn't have any 'chop' marks, but it does have a slice out of the edge though whether modern or contemporary I couldn't say.
  8. Peckris 2

    Had a field day on e bay......

    Yes, I've certainly heard of 1944 undarkened, but they're very scarce. 1946 come in both flavours, but the mint darkened type I would say is more common. Here's an interesting one - a 1940 penny that appears to have been darkened, which is unheard of in my experience. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1940-George-VI-Penny-Bronze-Coins-KM-Coins/173869777932?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D57477%26meid%3Db06794f45fd54bc19020d9507f8e7f09%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D192893122637%26itm%3D173869777932&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 I've just taken a punt on it (made an offer which was accepted) - I'll see in hand if it actually is Mint toned. If not, I'll have a standard 1940 penny to sell.
  9. Peckris 2

    Had a field day on e bay......

    It was the late Colin Cooke who told me how rare they are. In the mid-90s - when Spink didn't list the two varieties and had a general price of £6 for 1940 - he advised me that my Unc example would retail for at least £20... ... so £25 for an Unc example is a damn good price!
  10. Yes, absolutely. We can now safely establish there are 2 kinds of coin collector, operating in ever-further apart worlds. The only thing I'd say is that "coins" not for currency are not coins at all really. Patterns and proofs are also not for circulation but at least they connect to currency in real and interesting ways.
  11. I think they have probably worked it out: low numbers means high prices for the issue and greater profit per item more than that though, they are establishing a market for rarities and counting on collectors being stimulated to snap up every issue within hours or days; an ever repeating cycle only limited by whatever spurious anniversary they need to make the damn things.
  12. Some Amazon reviews are worth their weight in gold. Here are the first few for the canvas print of Paul Ross, before it (or they!) were pulled... (I've tried loads of times to post these including converting the whole caboodle to plain text and removing all links, but I keep getting a "403 Forbidden" - WHY???)
  13. Of course, England was actually more or less France back then.
  14. Peckris 2

    Had a field day on e bay......

    Plenty-ISH. Michael Gouby rates them as one level of scarcity rarer than the 1926ME.
  15. Peckris 2

    Had a field day on e bay......

    EF with plenty of Mint toning - I'd be happy enough with that.
  16. Peckris 2

    Had a field day on e bay......

    The 1937 are probably the least exciting (to me) penny varieties - none of them is rare and they are micro varieties at best. The two 1940s are a different matter; the 'common' one is fairly elusive in BU but the other one (rated N in Freeman) is a bugger to get. I was lucky enough to get mine from John Dunkerton of Windsor Coins in the late 70s when collectors weren't too bothered about them. The 1944 is - as you've found - surprisingly hard in genuine Unc; mine is AUnc only but I've never been either enthused to upgrade or seen one at the right price. I cannot find a high grade 1946 O N E ' for love nor money. Should you find two in your search, let me know!!
  17. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Disgusting. If the RM had issued a commemorative set in 1990 (they didn't) you could understand that packaging. But not the price. I hope no-one falls for it, and instead goes out to buy a BU 1940 silver set for less than £100.
  18. Peckris 2

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    $300 for the second or third most common coin in UK history??
  19. "You seem to deny..." is quite clear. No paranoia here. No misinterpretation. It's why I wondered what your "rebuttal" meant as it then got contradicted. Maybe it was clumsy wording on your part? In which case you could understand any misinterpretation which - if it existed - was not wilful at all.
  20. Peckris 2

    More Pennies

    That is good value. You will find F191 well struck up more often, as the head is shallower relief allowing Britannia to be fully struck up, and much less ghosting.
  21. It came from this, towards the end of your first paragraph : "You seem to deny the “working classes” the ability to come to the same reasoned decisions with the same access to media as the rest of us, which ever way the individual verdict was. It seems a popular remainer conception that the outcome of the referendum was determined by a protest vote by the ignorant, despite the “working classes” having exactly the same average IQ as the rest of the population."
  22. I actually said "dispossessed" not ignorant. But the Northern areas of neglect (former Lancashire mill towns, Yorkshire wool and coal, Northeast shipbuilding to name but three) were pretty fed up with Westminster deciding their fate ever since Maggie T oversaw the running down of our traditional industrial base. Many of them - outside the bigger cities - felt ignored, sidelined, even trodden down, by the comparative wealth of the South. Why wouldn't they protest? General Elections hadn't made much difference to them from 1979 on, so a referendum where the government of the day was "advising" them to vote Remain was a prime opportunity to make their voices heard. I can't speak for you obviously, but yes, there is a definite contradiction between 'hating Westminster' and voting to hand London even more control over their lives. But I guess we'll have to put that one down to emotion, which has been the dominant factor on both sides - increasingly so since 2016.
  23. No. The dispossessed working class northerners were about thumbing their noses at the Westminster elite, which is what many Leave votes were about. Sure, The Mail et al claimed we had lost sovereignty - we hadn't. Nor self-determination, as our policies on defence, welfare, education, housing, industrial stratgy, defence, broad taxation, prove clearly enough. It's probably something we will never know. What we do know is that Dominic Cummings came up with the slogan "Take back control", BoJo with "Independence Day", and the Leave campaign was sold the social networking targeted adverts app. Then there are the more shadowy figures of Cambridge Analytica, Steve Bannon, Arron Banks, etc. I think you'll find that though those things WERE mentioned often enough, the customs union wasn't. I watched most of the TV debate s and analysis and didn't hear it once. And the stuff about "taking back control of our money, our laws and our borders" are soundbites that sound much more rooted in reality than they are. May's deal actually does include the prospect of a permanent customs union, just not in so many words. Good points, well made. It doesn't matter how many times Brexiters repeat that "everyone knew what they were voting for", the clear and only answer is "Leave the EU" or "Remain in the EU". The implications of both have been made clearer in 2019 than at any other time. Not during the campaign they didn't. Yes, the Single Market was mentioned, but more often in the terms of "Who on earth wants the UK to leave the Single Market? It's the EU we plan to leave not the SM."
  24. Hence the need for proper, informative, full and accurate campaigning, which both sides can agree was not the case. Yes, that is odd. Cameron didn't expect to win the 2015 GE outright, but having done so, and seen off the UKIP threat, there was no particular urgency. Indeed he apparently told the EU heads - when asked why he had promised a referendum - that he didn't expect to win the GE and that the LibDems would block it. Perhaps - his majority being decisive but hardly massive - he was being threatened by the ERG that they would vote legislation down if he didn't deliver?
  25. Even then it's not a sure way to proceed. There can be many reasons why some sales do better than others at the same auction house: - competing sales elsewhere - other types of events in the vicinity - whether there are certain lots that will pull in the punters, or just a so-so catalogue - even the weather and time of year can affect things