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Peckris 2

Coin Hoarder
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Everything posted by Peckris 2

  1. That right hand one definitely looks wrong. Absolutely a different die.
  2. It suddenly started in 1911, when the deep profile portrait of GV came in. For comparison, the portrait of Ed8 is sufficiently shallower that ghosting is less pronounced and Britannia suffers much less. As the ghosting was an accidental effect, it is neither intentional nor invariable so there are good strikes out there, but they're hard to get hold of. As for the poor hair detail on some, that's purely down to the overuse of dies - note how the increase in penny mintages was sharp and dramatic, and "there was a war on" too. Bear in mind that the obverse 'sucked' metal from the reverse even when the die was worn; the hair detail was simply the icing on the cake, not the priime cause of ghosting. I think you're probably right about the war ending the recessed ear experiment.
  3. Here is the conundrum : the stronger the obverse and the better the hair detail, the more likely it is that there will problems with ghosting and weakness on the reverse. It's rare you will get both - the high profile obverse sucked metal from the reverse, which had thin rims and little protection. Ironically the short-lived recessed ear experiment of 1915-16 went a long way to curing the problem, so why it was abandoned... (answers on a postcard).
  4. You mean the nearly 52% who actually voted for Brexit, which was 37% of the electorate. No doubt you will recall that the ballot simply asked "Do we stay" or "Do we leave"? Nothing about the single market. Nothing about the customs union (and most people had never heard of that on voting day). Nothing about the implications for Ireland. Nothing about the impact on all the "just in time" goods required by some industries. Nothing about the impact on medical supplies. Etc etc etc. I'm prepared to bet that many Leave voters didn't realise the implications of that decision.
  5. You could argue it's just an indicator between the start and end of the legend.
  6. The rare or more common one?
  7. Peckris 2

    Mintage figures

    Tell me about it. I once worked for a company that issued a sheet saying - I kid you not - "We intend to cascade information throughout the enterprise going forward". Meaning that from the next month they were going to publish a company newsletter.
  8. I became a grave digger but my boss told me to lighten up.
  9. Peckris 2

    LCA December

    That's a good point, but I have an instinct that the masters are still in China. (Just a hunch).
  10. I was caught out when the Tories combined the Job Seeker’s Allowance with the New Seekers Allowance - I ended up having to beg, steal and borrow...
  11. I used to be a werewolf but I'm alright nooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww
  12. Peckris 2

    LCA December

    It's why Format Coins in Birmingham stopped dealing British coins - they got fed up telling people their coins were fakes.
  13. Peckris 2

    LCA December

    Exact Chinese copy, taken from a good coin which is why the fakes are all absolutely identical. The same problem occurs with some Northumberland shillings - the only way to tell a fake was side by side with another, but by now we should know what to look out for.
  14. Peckris 2

    slim pickings

    And some of them owed their lives to a strategically placed penny...
  15. Nice... but it's slightly weird (to me anyway) that you've posted them all the same size. Any chance of a picture of the set as it really is?
  16. Peckris 2

    Acetone & Verdi-care

    Just one Cornetto, give it to me, delicious ice-cream, of Italyyyyyyyy
  17. Peckris 2


    The portrait on the penny appears to be bigger than on the 2d!
  18. I told the auction house that I was a bona fide coin dealer, but they wanted to see proof.
  19. *I* wish I'd worked in a dairy, but there's no use crying over... [hah, you saw that one coming a mile off]
  20. Interesting selection Mick. 1. Isleys weren't really the Isleys until Ronald picked up his guitar! Good bit of pop though. 2. I do love a bit of dub. 3. No great fan of the blues here, especially the Howlin' Lee Waters variety.. 4. You culture vulture you! But who can argue with Mozart? Lovely.
  21. I will try a bottle from the USA then Jerry - thanks for the offer, but sending things by post is a real difficulty these days!
  22. Where do you get Verdi-care? I've looked online and it seems to be only American, with shipping costs greater than the product price! (And some sources say it's not easy to get since 2016).
  23. It's not very big, but here goes: You can see it most on the teeth and rim next to the second N of PENNY.
  24. Only a very very minor one, who had a postal list and a display cabinet in the local antiques centre. Yes, I've seen badly cleaned coins which is why I turned to olive oil and surgical spirit as I believed both were neutral. This thread has made me think again.