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  1. In terms of hammered coins, I think Timothy Cook has put together one of the best lists I have seen, many of which are BTNA members - not to mention that he has hyperlinked them all such that you can just go down the list at your leisure and click to each shop/auction house. As you can imagine, there are also many other pre-decimal coins and even decimal coins at many of the websites. Most of the links are for fixed-price shops, but there are also the major auction houses sprinkled in throughout the list. Specifically, (like @TomGoodheart mentioned) he has called out helpful websites like NumisBids that act as platforms for viewing lots from multiple auction houses at once (not to mention you can also sometimes submit bids through NumisBids). https://www.englishhammered.com/links.html
  2. Sotheby & Co 20 - 24 November, 1933 Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Coins Formed by the Late Colonel H. W. Morrieson I tried a while ago posting on an old thread about it, but I am trying to see if anyone has a copy to part with, or less appealing, if I could pay someone to scan a copy of the catalogue? It seems like most Sotheby catalogues over 95 years old are available on https://openlibrary.org/, however, I do not really want to wait until 2028 just to look at this catalogue. Any leads appreciated. I've check a few places like Douglas Saville's store but have not found anything.
  3. myt

    Auction Catalogues

    I know this is a very old thread. But I found myself looking for the Morrieson auction catalog as well and was wondering if anyone had luck getting an electronic copy? Or if anyone has one they can part with? Assuming @TomGoodheart already found the copy he was looking for that is
  4. myt

    Toned hammered,

    So this was the only applicable thread I thought I could find when looking for something on toned hammered coins - certainly nothing compared to the thread "Let's See YourToned English Milled Silver!". I picked up this James I Halfgroat because it is a tougher mintmark, and was a very decent price. The toning on the reverse is intense, and to be honest reminded me of people who artificially chemically tone US Morgan Dollars. But I can not image for the life of me, someone going through the trouble on a random J1 Halfgroat - so I am assuming it is for real. My guess would be that someone had this obverse up for a long time on a piece of paper which is not archival safe, and the chemicals just toned the reverse, accelerated by humidity if it was not kept well? If it was in something like a sleeve, I would expect both sides would be equally toned.
  5. Thanks @Rob for the response!
  6. I realize it may also be helpful to note that at the wider point of the coin, it measures about 31mm which is appropriate. The weight is 5.69g, which given the condition also would appear to be appropriate in my mind.
  7. Hi all, I came across this shilling - the condition is of no discussion really. The interesting point was the obverse/reverse initial marks. I was curious if this was a mule where the obverse would be grapes and the reverse would be coronet? It is difficult to see detail on the obverse mark, other than it is clearly not a coronet and resembles the silhouette of the grapes (the im preceding the coronet). I did not see any reference in Spink or North; also, I realized that I am not even sure those references would list known mule varieties of coins. I also did not see mention in early Morrieson papers in BNJ. The other option is that this would be a fake with superior lack of attention to detail. Which would be less interesting... Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. Late in my follow-up, but it was as I suspected... and I quote: "Thank you kindly for you patience during our review. Unfortunately we no longer have the tickets that originate with these coins. No need to send back the tickets that you have, and you can dispose of them however you like." A little disappointing to not get the ticket for the James I Shilling I wanted,... hooray for clerical errors.
  9. Thank you very much @kildonan, I didn't even think to check if they just switched the tickets around between lots. I guess I will reach out to them and send these back rather than throw them away. Hopefully they can forward to their owners. The only ticket I would really want back would be the James I shilling ticket, as the other coins in the lot I am parting with. I have little faith I will be able to recover any of the correct tickets -_-' @Rob, thank you for the clarifications upfront and initial thoughts!
  10. Now that I am looking at it, it is a bit funny how incorrect the descriptions were on the posting for Stacks Bowers. I must have looked at the actual coins rather than the descriptions too much, because seeing these tickets was a bit of a surprise. I didn't even notice that they listed the James I shilling I bought as "mm thistle" when it is clearly Bell/Key (the coin I was interested in). The listing did not give too much info on the E1 shilling, but somehow the ticket has the incorrect mm as it is clearly "1" from the reverse (back of the E1 ticket just says 5758). I am not an expert on the Charles 2 shilling, but from what I researched beforehand it seemed to be OK and the ticket looks fine as well. None of the tickets were listed in the auction, but it is a bit comical that they came with the coins. Since I am planning to part with the four which are not James 1, I guess that begs the questions if I just toss the tickets once sold as they are clearly incorrect? If the Charles II tickets looks OK, then I would leave that with the sale.
  11. Hi all, I bought a lot at the recent Stacks Bowers auction in August. All five coins came with tickets; however, the one Charles I shilling was left with what I am assuming is a mis-matched ticket as the coin clearly is a shilling and not sixpence, (please see below), more specifically Aberstwyth mint Sharp group E3? I also included a photo of the Half-crown and ticket in case some finer point is incorrect and would be lost on me as I am not as familiar as others on this forum with Charles I coin types. I bought the lot for a James I shilling, these just happened to be in the mix. Thanks in advance!
  12. BIRCHALL, SAMUEL (of Leeds) c. 1761 - 1814 I hadn't seen this one already posted, so hopefully this isn't a repeat. This was from the recent DNW auction that had the BRITISH COINS FROM THE COLLECTION OF SAMUEL BIRCHALL OF LEEDS (1761-1814), which I thought was pretty neat seeing such an old collection become available. It is a 32mm ticket written in fountain pen ink. Not sure what the paper is, so I tried to also give a close up of the material.
  13. Hi, I was looking for suggestions if anyone could point me to a good single reference for hammered Scottish coinage (primarily interested in silver, but I assume books will likely cover most). Or if there are any particularly good articles highlighting James VI coinage (as Morrieson did for James I in an article for BNJ). Any advice appreciated! Thanks Michael