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Kipster last won the day on July 31 2024

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About Kipster

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    St Albans

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  1. Kipster


    Yuletide felicitations to everyone. I hope 2025 is a happier and healthier year for all, and that we all manage to find a little unnoticed gem tucked away in an auction catalogue somewhere.
  2. It was probably unsold. If you want it, likely as not available at the low estimate if you email them.
  3. Kipster

    Coin cabinets

    I think his prices are here: https://robdaviscabinets.co.uk/prices.html
  4. Kipster

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    I think Atlas picked up a number of his coins in the last auction and haven't been able to move them on at the mark up they were trying to get. Back to auction they go.
  5. Kipster

    1797 Copper Twopence at auction

    I had exactly the same reply. I should imagine there'll be a few of these being sent out.
  6. Kipster

    1797 Copper Twopence at auction

    I messaged the coin cabinet when I saw it, but as yet had no reply either. I'm sure I had an email from them a while back detailing some business changes, but can't find it now. Perhaps there's new staff etc.
  7. Kipster

    1797 Copper Twopence at auction

    Britannia's face looks like she's been stung by a wasp.
  8. Morning, Seeing as 1899 pennies are in this thread, could someone confirm if I have Gouby BP1899Ac here please as I don't have the book? Many thanks.
  9. Morning, I saw this yesterday and wondered what your thoughts on it are. I don't know much about these George III coins at all with so many patterns etc, but there's so much here that looks wrong to me that I wanted to see what you thought? https://auctions.thecoincabinet.com/lots/view/4-F9I0ID/1797-copper-twopence-restrike-about-as-struck
  10. Kipster

    Gouby and Bramah

    Afternoon, If anyone can get their hands on either Bramah or Gouby for me, I'd be interested. Thanks.
  11. Kipster

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    It's going at NAC
  12. Kipster

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Taking place the 2nd or 3rd December I believe.
  13. I didn't go and view it as it wasn't that dear, and when I got it it was given a cursory look over and just put in the cabinet. Only now that I'm selling most of what I have is everything being given a thorough looking at. Oh well, caveat emptor as they say.
  14. All the way around the bust outline? Would've thought Baldwins would have picked up on that and mentioned it at least.