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Everything posted by Kipster

  1. That's the kiddy. It's a shocker from my point of view. Apologies, I should have posted the link.
  2. Thanks Paddy. I thought there might be something in Peck relating to it, so may have to fish it out. Victorian farthings really is the era, but from George IV onwards to be broader.
  3. I bought an error sixpence form them, but there was no ticket. The attached pics were what came with the coin, but may not be any use to you.
  4. I don't think this current bunch need much assistance in making themselves look like twats.
  5. Kipster

    The crazy world of Top pop buyers

    And just before that, a 1965 MS66, and a 1966 MS66 hammered for £4,100 and £4,000 respectively... Same bidder I think, paddle numbers looked similar. What am I missing here?
  6. Picked up this rather nice one last week. The 15 leaf variety.
  7. Kipster

    The crazy world of Top pop buyers

    Not sure if anyone is watching the coin cabinet auction, but some lunatic has just won an MS67 1967 sovereign for a hammer of £13,000... 😯
  8. Kipster

    Have NGC got this wrong?

    Morning, I've been having a look through the upcoming auctions at Heritage, and came across this lovely looking thing: https://coins.ha.com/itm/great-britain/anne-copper-pattern-farthing-1714-ms66-red-and-brown-ngc-/p/61344-11250.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515 Looking at the NGC label, they seem to think this is Peck 734. I'm no expert by a long chalk, but I don't think this is. Peck 734 would have this as Obverse 1 with reverse A. I make it Reverse E seeing as it's a 1714 pattern. What do you reckon?
  9. Kipster

    Coin cabinets

    Today's update as follows: I spoke to Shirley again who has confirmed that they are looking to wind down in the new year, so if anyone wants to order a cabinet from them, best to let them know asap. HOWEVER, don't order or contact them via their website or email. She said there has been some problems with her emails and therefore will no longer be using the email address as a method of communication. I think there may have been some hacking going on, which would explain my original problem with the weird bank account details on the supposed invoice. The telephone number to contact her on is 0115 922 4149, which is their workshop number. She's not always there, but will call you back when she gets the message.
  10. Kipster

    Coin cabinets

    I think she was talking about winding down and enjoying life a bit more, but I've left a message for her to ring me just so I can say thank you properly, so I will ask her when I speak to her and let you know. 👍
  11. Kipster

    Coin cabinets

    Well, well, well... This has turned out to be quite a pleasant surprise. After my last post regarding a conversation with Shirley Watts on the 10th August, I decided to take the chance and hand over some money, despite my original misgivings. Shirley actually rang me after sending me an email with details for payment to make sure that I had received it, which I confirmed I had. She gave me all the relevant bank details (IBAN etc) on the invoice which duly checked out, so I thought sod it, and made payment by bank transfer on Friday. Today this lovely little unit arrived on my doorstep. It's really very well made and will sit nicely with the other one I have. I feel kind of bad being so cynical in the first instance, but the African bank account on the original email was clearly dodgy, so she's going to sort out some IT at her end. A good day all round really.
  12. Kipster


    Trump knew which buttons to push to make himself seem populist, stoking the fears of the target base, recognising it as a tried and tested method of aligning the masses to the end goal. He still uses China to enrich himself though. So I would agree with you that Trump is populist, even though he himself really isn't. Anyway, this thread has digressed from Russians to Trump, although you could argue that they are one and the same. Enjoy your Saturday everyone.
  13. Kipster


    Trump is a different animal altogether. He's the world's greatest living con man, and he's played a blinder with the red parts of the American public. His bottom line is self-aggrandizement and his own pocket, and would literally say anything if those stumping up the cash were willing, or stupid enough, to pay his price. That's not to say that other American politicians are much better, but once you're in bed with Fat Anthony Salerno, the smell never leaves you.
  14. Kipster

    Roma Numismatics - Seen This?

    I saw this on another forum earlier, and wondered if anyone else had seen this? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11886091/British-auction-house-boss-arrested-NYC-fraudulent-sale-worlds-expensive-coin.html https://www.coinworld.com/news/world-coins/authorities-arrest-dealer-repatriate-record-setting-coin 😮
  15. Kipster

    2022 silver five pound mule

    This was posted on another forum: https://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=448872
  16. https://www.standard.co.uk/business/we-should-scrap-cash-it-is-holding-our-country-back-nigel-farage-b1103032.html
  17. Kipster


    He's not wrong. I've been studying a man called Semion Mogilevich, boss of the Russian mob (most likely by proxy for Putin), for some time now. His links to Putin and organised crime, in particular financial crime, are quite alarming. I would not be surprised if the creation and subsequent expansion of the crypto-sphere in the first decade of this century was not orchestrated to defraud vast sums of money, and weaken the financial institutions of opposition countries. In fact, I would say it's a given. There is something deeply insidious here, and we should all have a tiny little bit of worry about it. By the way, I'm not a tinfoil hat wearer, just someone who's connecting dots. I wasn't always a gardener.
  18. Really? There should be no paywall on that. Works all ok for me.
  19. A quick read from today's Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/08/18/phone-payments-wallets-coins-money-cards/
  20. I hate to see independent high street bastions disappear. It's like the very history of the town is being slowly erased. But then we can't close Pandora's box, the internet is a gift and a curse at the same time. St Albans is just bookies, coffee shops and pubs now. Very few independents remain, and the exorbitant rent that they get charged for space drives them into the ground. I remember someone I knew had a franchise of a big name product, and the rent for their very small space was about £70k per year about 20 years ago. That's an awful lot of jeans to sell. It's all succinctly wrapped up in a great episode of Ever Decreasing Circles, where a local DIY shop that's been in the family for something like 150 years is facing closure due to competition. Martin goes into the shop to buy *one* six inch nail and the old fella running the shop happily sells him one for about 3p. I remember doing the same with my Grandad 40 odd years ago. The episode is full of pathos. Series 4, episode 2 if you're interested. It's worth a watch.
  21. Then you'd have another load of sausages complaining about it and setting up a group called Just Stop Poop.
  22. Did you see Piers Corbyn and his recent stunt in a cashless Aldi where he insisted on paying for a punnet of strawberries with cash and they refused to sell them to him? The man is a weapons grade loon, but to be fair, I can see his point to some extent, even though I would have probably popped into Sainsburys instead. The whole issue of paying with cash will become obsolete with the generations that follow us, in the same way that music tapes, betamax videos and polaroid cameras did. I was behind a bloke in B & Q the other day and saw him pay for his stuff with his watch. I couldn't believe it, but it'll be second nature to kids that are weened on ipads and mobile apps. Cash money will die eventually with the generations that used.
  23. Afternoon, Just received this 1708E* sixpence in the post, and hoping someone can help ID this please. Looking in ESC, it looks like it's 1471, but this makes mention of (4? strings), whereas this coin has 6. There looks like a definite 8 over 7 to me and the legend reads as per 1471, but would be grateful if someone with a better eye could confirm please. It definitely looks cleaned though. Grateful as always.
  24. That's great, thank you Rob. I appreciate it.