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Everything posted by SilverAge3

  1. Surely this was a long project. He may have even stated how long, but I can't recall.
  2. SilverAge3

    Literature recommendations

    Does anyone have copies of these BNJ articles? For some reason these specific pieces throw errors at me when trying to download from BNS/BNJ repository. I'm particularly crestfallen being unable to acquire the Addenda to 2nd ed. C. W. Peck, [Research on the milled coinages], BNJ vol. 33 (1964), 192-93. C. W. Peck, [Coin history of later periods; and, Rarity as it applies to numismatics], 34 (1965), 194-98 C. W. Peck, ‘- Addenda to 2nd ed.’, 36 (1967), 196-98, pl. Thanks so much.
  3. Ah ok, thanks. Now I get it, the hypo years. Appreciate the speedy response.
  4. After a period he did send me a current list, although he didn't answer my queries regarding payment options, or to be sure he posts to the states. Now I have a question regarding abbreviations in his price list, I would appreciate if anyone could kindly sort me out. I'm feeling dense for not getting it. What is the 'MT', as seen in some of these penny listings? My brain wants to read it as 'Matte,' but I don't think these are proofs, and 1937 proof, for example is thusly labelled.
  5. SilverAge3

    New book "The Decimal Penny"

    Any idea if this is still available?
  6. Yes this. There was a 2nd ed too, but not seen any pics of tbe cover. It was a self-published book(let, but hardcover), only 38 pages iirc.
  7. I wish they had at least made an ebook version available for this ed, since print run was not adequate.
  8. Did a kindle version get released, and i just missed it?
  9. I looked on bookfinder, using the longer isbn, to sort for this ed, and it finds no copies. What a shame. https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?isbn=9780948964848&submitBtn=Search&mode=isbn&st=sr&ac=qr
  10. I have the 2006 ed, hadn't even realized a newer one was released. I'd love to get it. I recently picked up the 1st ed of his older, much smaller (38 pages, total) book, The Victorian Bronze Penny (1860-1901), which I paid likely way too much for. I also see it had a second ed I may eventually seek out, just because I like my numi library.
  11. SilverAge3

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    So then there's this. Immediately after responding the seller raised the price on the coin and also on shipping, lol. Keep your coin, man. I guess I see enough that it's beat up. 1062 monitors, I had to laugh.
  12. SilverAge3

    A comparison of two auction houses

    Most of the auctions here, outside ebay, are 99% certified, and those not are usually inferior lots. And looking through ebay, very few people sell good quality raws, and most of those are from outside thd US. It's just the way things are here, so a good bit of my better pieces are slabbed, even though I'm fine buying raws.
  13. SilverAge3

    A comparison of two auction houses

    Great Collections is reasonable, and they also dispatch packages quickly (usually within 2-3 days), and don't gouge on shipping, compared to the much bigger dealers. 30% is horrible. A freaking third more, and you know they're siphoning off both sides, too.
  14. SilverAge3

    A comparison of two auction houses

    David Lawrence is the only one I know. I've never purchased from them, though. The lowest BP of houses I reg bid at is Great Collections -- 12.5%, or 10% paid by check/ach, minimum $5. Most others are 20%, Heritage w/ minimum $29/lot, which is steep for lower end items.
  15. SilverAge3

    A comparison of two auction houses

    Many auction houses here attach a buyer's premium AND a premium to the seller (and often listing fees per item).
  16. SilverAge3

    Ebay and All online traders rule change

    Over here we have to prove it's profit, or it's assumed 100% to be profit. If you don't have receipts/invoices to prove what you paid into it, it will go on gross. It also makes a headache just to say, get reimbursed for a loan, if you are repaid by some digital payment app..
  17. SilverAge3

    Ebay and All online traders rule change

    The new threshold is set to be $600, combined accumulation across all platforms, and all money services like Cash App, Paypal, etc. What was it previously, $40,000, ir something wildly different?
  18. I saw Dave Craddock mentioned in here numerous times. I looked him up, and read about him being robbed with a machete after a show. All the same, i emailed him, inquiring if he were still selling coins, but alas never heard back.
  19. I'd not heard of them prior to this, but i'm in the states. If course because i'm in the states, i often try to find sources on that side of the Atlantic whom i can purchase from (sadly, some dealers, like Michael Gouby won't ship here -- i can't even purchase his penny books, which aggravates me to no end, i wish he'd at least offer pdf versions, even though i'd clearly prefer hardcopies; other dealers make payment impossible for me, only taking checks in £, or international wires, and i don't have access to these services). So I looked through this dealer's offerings, and the catalog is immense, offering pieces i'd be more than interested in, but most have no pictures. I'm not plunking hundreds of £ sight unseen. Pictures can deceive, as it is, but to not offer this bare minimum is a no-go for anything over say £20-50, and especially pieces multitudes of that threshold. It's mind-boggling, and this added with commentary above makes me even more apprehensive. I could just focus on the few pieces with pics, but that eliminates many of my current main focuses to obtain.
  20. SilverAge3

    Using acetone to clean coins

    I've watched videos of people removing copper spots off gold with a torch. Seems to work, but not personally tried.
  21. SilverAge3

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Thanks for the reminder it was one of the hypo years.
  22. SilverAge3

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The acidity in olive oil is part of what gives it its pungent flavor. Besides, olive oil gets gummy, and can go rancid. I know for treating wooden spoons, cutting boards I use walnut oil, to avoid the rancidity and gumminess, but suspect it, too, is acidic, so would avoid on coins.
  23. SilverAge3

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Then there's sellers who have higher quality coins I'm looking for, but on top of charging high sums, feel the best way to show off a coin is laying it in their greasy hand. I might even consider the high price tag, even with the carbon spot, but how have they decided handling these coins like this is appropriate? Especially aggravating when it's a tough coin to find in higher grades, like this 1934 penny. This seller has several 1934s, all mishandled similarly, and priced at over £200, yet I can't find other copies this nice, but I can't justify spending this, since it'll likely arrive all oily and printed up. Really drives me nuts. At least I know before buying that the seller mishandles them, is my only consolation. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145198978191
  24. SilverAge3

    Facebook Coin Pages/Groups?

    I use telegram a fair bit, but for topical discussions like this, forums are superior... or would be if most people hadn't stopped using them. But case in point, I'm a recent member, because I feel forums are the best format for hobbies, and the like.
  25. SilverAge3

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    it gets tiresome to dig through crap, when I specifically use search queries like (unc, bu, uncirculated, ms), and yet I still get greeted by pieces which are listed as "bu gem stunning", but look like someone took steel wool to it. This isn't the most heinous example (those are often accompanied by insane pricetags too), but it's annoying. /rant https://www.ebay.com/itm/315065305741