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  1. Yes, that's the website, where I found a matching recut date from their pictures. At least that's some info on that website, better than nothing. Many thanks 👍
  2. Mario

    plebis token

    Many thanks 👍
  3. Really appreciate your answer. Many thanks 👍 I've been searching for a bit more info on the web this evening, and I found out it was already been documented as "obverse 3f 5 over lower 5 and 8 over higher 8" But found nothing else about rarity or sold coins with the same variety.
  4. Mario

    plebis token

  5. Anyone with knowledge on the plebis token die varieties? Thanks in advance
  6. I only collect pennies from 1860 to 1970 And I don't have knowledge about other coinage. For example are this 1858 more valuable because appears to have the 5 and 8 bodged up.? Apologies for the low resolution picture, but that's the best I can do. Many thanks
  7. Thanks for information and for your picture, I really appreciate 👍
  8. Thanks for the picture and info 👍
  9. Thanks for your reply, yes, it makes sense 👍
  10. Hello! As anyone with better quality obverse 1 can confirm if your coins have a extra ribbon remains? From the pictures I have been checking on the web, I don't see any with this feature. Thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for your reply 👍 As Pws mentioned this is reverse C, and I was looking at the wrong page in my book.
  12. Thanks for your reply 👍, yes it makes sense now. I was looking at my Freeman book, but I was in the wrong page 1908 half penny that's why I was confused.
  13. Hello! I have noticed one of my 1908 pennies as a slightly bigger zero, and the 1 is over the thoot . Is this very common? Thanks in advance.