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The Bee

Unidentified Variety
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About The Bee

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  • Birthday 01/28/1965

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    Amateur Collector (long time lapsed).
    Enthusiast of tolerable coins !

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  1. Many thanks Rob, So there is a Master Die, made out of particularly tough material that is used to create further dies, which need the last two digits added, to mint the halfpenny So, if I check my other 1850's Halfpennies, I should find the same "tooth" on other dates Here is my 8 over 6 / R over R in GRATIA (I think that there is a blob at end of the foot of the E in DEI) Very Best Regards
  2. Many thanks Rob, Great to confirm its an 1858 over 6. But as you say , its even more interesting that the overcut R is different and the date vs the teeth positions are different especially the last eight. Many thanks for sharing the photos ! (I've been determined to get my money's worth since buying my Tomlov microscope - now I wouldn't be without it) I'll photograph the obverse and reverse and share later Query - is it usual for the teeth. including that odd one under the 5, would be identical on different dies ? (the bit jutting out from that tooth looks identical in both examples ?) Very Best Regards
  3. 1858 Halfpenny Hi, Couple of images from an 1858 Halfpenny. Wondered if the last 8 might be an overdate ? If not - still very pleased to find a R over R in Gratia Very Best Regards
  4. Usually if I strike a deal with a seller, the seller changes the auction to a "buy it now" at which point I need to keep calm, waiting for it to pop up again, and then quickly buy it. Worked well so far Very Best Regards
  5. Maybe they arranged to buy it privately
  6. Amazing collection Paddy , thanks for sharing !
  7. One possible repair on "F" in F.D. 1862 Penny . Top of the F seems to slope upwards. And an 1858 Farthing , with a slightly broken 5 in the date Best Regards
  8. Minor Addition 1840 Farthing I tracked down an affordable upgrade my 1840 Farthing last week, and was about to evict the previous 1840 in the tray, but before doing so decided to have a closer look at the obverse under the microscope. Not sure if these were repairs or just an accident, V over V in Victoria and T I A over T I A in Gratia I'll just have to find space in the tray or start o new one Best Regards
  9. The Bee

    Halfpenny Help William III

    1877 Halfpenny Date Widths and yet another problem with HALF, EYE, EYE, EYE As I was putting my 1877 halfpenny upgrade away in the tray I had a look at some of the others. Currently I seem to have three dates widths The first two are very similar, the last which is in poor condition, is quite a bit wider. Are there any others to look out for ? And in the same small collection of coins along with the 1877 was an 1862 Halfpenny , with what might be a repair to the Right Leg of H, maybe one to the downstroke of L and the back of F all from Half, I, I or I. I. I Very Best Regards
  10. The Bee

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The seller mentions the "This 1863 One Penny Coin features the young Bun Head of Queen Victoria, it has a feature that looks like the 8 over 1, it could be just a dye strike error but either way YOU won't find another 1863 error coin, minted in Great Britain under the Victorian era" Surprised that they didn't comment on the obverse picture 1863 VICTORIAN BUN HEAD ONE PENNY COIN SEE PICS B 173 | eBay Best Regards
  11. The Bee

    My Halfpenny varieties site

    Hi Richard I don't think you have anything missing via the link - looks good Very Best Regards
  12. The Bee

    My Halfpenny varieties site

    I can see Victoria Bronze Obverse at the moment - Victoria Bronze Obverses – HALFPENNY VARIETIES
  13. Hi I had an attempt at removing the old DNA and gunk. 1855 Halfpenny date with 8 over 8 ? 1st 5 over 5 ? and possible overdate on last 5 ? Very Best Regards
  14. The Bee

    Excel spreedsheets

    Phew, What a comprehensive system and such a lot of information on "historic" and current prices. I guess at some point you need something like that to avoid duplication (I should have done this for my newspapers) and if you decide to sell bits off, it would to keep the Tax authorities happy, not to mention your insurer
  15. The Bee

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The Ebay description was rather erm "odd" as well. "This is a British Victoria Penny coin from 1862, minted during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). It is a copper coin with a brown colour. The denomination of the coin is one Penny. It was manufactured in the United Kingdom, specifically Great Britain."