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About JasonRidge

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  1. Hiya mate, welcome along ! Im a newbie too.. Have fun Jay
  2. Thats a really nice find !.. Do you mind me asking how you get into metal detecting.. are there any clubs etc ??.. and how do you go about getting permission for field walking etc... if this is the wrong place to ask please feel free to email me jasonpaulridge@hotmail.co.uk Its something ive always wanted to get into.. where do you go ?
  3. Hi all, ive just aquired this lovely 1839 two pronged trident farthing, its condition i would say is quite good, tried to find a value for this, to see if its worth more than i paid.. what do you think ?..
  4. JasonRidge

    Another hello !

    just british at the moment, will touch upon roman coins too. do any of you use any coin software or is it better to organise manually ?
  5. JasonRidge

    Another hello !

    hi all ! another newbie to the wonderful world of coin collecting !... nice to meet you all Jason