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Everything posted by HistoricCoinage

  1. HistoricCoinage

    March LCA catalogue now up

    Definitely some surprising attributions in there... http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?searchlot=1676&searchtype=2&page=Catalogue
  2. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another gem, they just keep on coming. Obverse legend starting with an h, is it Hichard the Turd? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-circa-1483-1485-A-D-King-Richard-III-Medieval-Period-Silver-Penny-Coin-/272543253582?hash=item3f74d8044e:g:XXkAAOSw5cNYd6tp
  3. HistoricCoinage

    A few new tunes for you

    Know what you do at karaoke now, Peter.
  4. HistoricCoinage

    Pickup from LCF

    That's a stunning specimen! Nice acquisition.
  5. HistoricCoinage

    English token??

    An exact same one as above was listed on eBay as a Colorado transport token, but this was an error. I can't find any other exact matches but I agree the 6p is an odd amount.
  6. HistoricCoinage

    English token??

    Maybe a token for use on a cruise? e.g. http://coinedformoney.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/1994-holland-america-cruise-line-25.html
  7. HistoricCoinage

    Winter 2017 List

    I am pleased to announce that Historic Coinage's 2017 Winter List has been published and is now available here. The list features an eclectic mix of coins and tokens, from Anglo-Saxon stycas to Crusader silver to Plantagenet gold. Many of the coins form 'The Collection of a Professor', a quality selection of English silver & gold acquired in the 1940s and 1950s from Seaby, Baldwin & Spink. Most of these coins have not been on the market for 60+ years and several have eminent provenances attached to them, such as Lawrence, Grantley, Carlyon-Britton & Duke of Argyll.
  8. Please find an Excel file containing a list of most of them here. Please message me if any interest you.
  9. HistoricCoinage

    DNW, Spink, Baldwin, Bonhams, etc. Catalogues 1990s & 2000s

    Just a note to say these are back on - hoping they go to a good home! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200-Coin-Auction-Catalogues-Spink-Baldwin-039-s-Glendining-039-s-DNW-1990s-2013-/322390651343?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  10. HistoricCoinage

    Important coin

    Looking at other sold examples on eBay will give a good indication of value, bear in mind various spellings (Mark/Marc & Anthony/Antony) - e.g. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marc-Anthony-Denarius-/152281522685?hash=item2374afa1fd%3Ag%3AilIAAOSwTA9X8VHv&nma=true&si=CT2h6HrctTHis5Cr%252BdHSamjhgP8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  11. HistoricCoinage

    Important coin

    Looks to be a Marc Antony denarius. These tend to go for around £40 - £75 depending on rarity/condition of individual coins.
  12. HistoricCoinage


    Spent NYE in Iceland. A breathtaking winter getaway. Managed to sneak a Viking coin hoard into the agenda, too.
  13. HistoricCoinage

    Mis-Struck Henry III penny help

    Looks to be a Canterbury. Have highlighted the curves which aren't part of the S in hENRICVS having inverted the colours.
  14. HistoricCoinage

    Edward I II III Hammered Penny Identification

    Looks like a class 3d to me.
  15. HistoricCoinage

    Best Wishes

    All the best for the festive period, however you celebrate the time. Thanks, all, for your posts!
  16. HistoricCoinage


    Will definitely check that out, Dave. Was in Munich in the spring but didn't do too much church-hopping. Jerry - that place looks amazing and I'm very envious of the project that awaits. Keep us updated!
  17. HistoricCoinage


    Was in Germany last week for a wedding and decided to tag some Christmas markets on the end. So my view this week of Cologne Cathedral:
  18. HistoricCoinage

    Flanders Groot upcycled to Mary Groat!

    Very interesting!
  19. HistoricCoinage

    Somme 1916 Poppy

    Great to hear you've purchased one, Sword! I've been working with The Poppy Shop (official ecommerce site for RBL) for a little over a year now and I can't recommend their products or the good causes they support enough. For those that haven't seen, the video on how they're made can be seen here:
  20. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hmm. Starts with an E, so... http://www.ebay.com/itm/1483-King-Richard-lll-Silver-Penny-York-Mint-body-found-under-parking-lot-RARE-/122029881076?
  21. HistoricCoinage

    DNW, Spink, Baldwin, Bonhams, etc. Catalogues 1990s & 2000s

    Whacked the rest on eBay for a penny: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200-Coin-Auction-Catalogues-Spink-Baldwins-Glendinings-DNW-1990s-2013-/222268595647?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT Over 200 decent catalogues for archives here!
  22. HistoricCoinage

    Adjustment lines or not?

    Whether pre-strike or not, I'm not of the opinion of defacement or adjustment. These don't look as substantial to be pre-strike but certainly not deliberate. Do they look deep in-hand?
  23. HistoricCoinage

    problem posting

    AdBlock doesn't work any longer for me on this site as all of the links to the individual forums, posts, etc. are blocked. This isn't an issue as I'd just enable ads (as it supports Chris and the forum) but when I do I can no longer see the forum. Clearing cookies doesn't help and the only site it affects is PreDecimal. @Chris Perkins - has something changed with the side banners in Invision's template formatting?
  24. HistoricCoinage


    I can confirm that Pete is a leg end and probably a bit legless after the Talisker. I'd also like the green text if possible, thanks.
  25. HistoricCoinage

    Gold Sovereigns

    Victorian and Georgian sovereigns on the 'bay without a reserve should anyone fancy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/historiccoinage/m.html?item=222184597835&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562