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Everything posted by HistoricCoinage

  1. HistoricCoinage

    Irish Viking coins found in Sweden?

    Here's an example: http://www.westair-reproductions.com/Medieval/Saxon+Coin+Pack.html
  2. HistoricCoinage

    Irish Viking coins found in Sweden?

    Without even looking at your text it's obvious from the photos that it's a modern replica as there are the letters 'WRL' stamped onto Aethelred II's drapery. These letters stand for Westair Reproductions Limited. Such English coins as well as Irish & Scandinavian imitative issues are found all over northern Europe and down through the Baltic region. As for why this replica was where it was? Very odd.
  3. HistoricCoinage

    Aetherlred Last Short Cross Penny

    Looks fine to me! Interesting pellet in the moneyer's name, though. Not often you see these so centrally struck, here's another one where the pictures could be fooling.
  4. HistoricCoinage

    Can you post please.

    I post when I can, but you chaps lose me with all of this milled talk...
  5. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes. Peter, you can see them on the link now.
  6. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    He's just posted his photos... Afraid it doesn't look good.
  7. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've asked for one and will report back with results.
  8. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    He's used an image and description from CNG for a coin which sold for $23,100 in 2011. The seller states: I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.
  9. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  10. HistoricCoinage

    Siefredus Penny

    The old adage of 'if it looks too good to be true, it probably is' applies here but I've definitely come across some gems in this way on eBay. Very, very rarely it's worth taking the risk.
  11. HistoricCoinage

    Siefredus Penny

    Coins are in Thailand, Nick. You're not seeing things. I would personally steer clear of these. The Coenwulf's lettering looks too chunky and there are 'lips' at some places on the edges.The Siefredus also has an unusual looking flan and looks 'soapy'. I think you'd be wise to pass.
  12. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    In a former life, yes. In the meantime I'm going to do some research here: https://www.gov.uk/find-local-trading-standards-office
  13. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There was someone actively working on building a legal case but I never heard any more of it. Trading Standards is one avenue and I know there was an episode of 'Fake Britain' for BBC being produced which featured him, as a few of us were asked by the production company about Mr Stocks but I don't think it ever aired.
  14. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Typical Saxby's... http://www.ebay.com/itm/1483-A-D-King-Richard-III-England-Medieval-Period-Silver-Penny-Coin-York/272266031967?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37182%26meid%3Dec9c8c4990f846908f857319a667d55e%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D351747983370
  15. HistoricCoinage


    It's an Australian 10 cents coin.
  16. HistoricCoinage

    Carwheel Penny question

    There are various ways to measure the purchasing power but this website should give you a breakdown. £0.39 using the retail price index £0.40 using the GDP deflator £4.83 using the average earnings £6.71 using the per capita GDP £27.90 using the share of GDP Looking at various records online it seems like a penny could get you a quart of beer around then, though.
  17. HistoricCoinage

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    eBay's automatic translation doesn't always work. Smelling of menthol... http://www.ebay.fr/itm/EXTREMELY-RARE-1887-M-SHIELD-SOVEREIGN-MELBOURNE-MINT-BRITISH-GOLD-COIN-R3-/361328349737?hash=item5420d91229:g:XWcAAOSwPcVVitHq
  18. HistoricCoinage


    I would recognise those initials anywhere!
  19. HistoricCoinage

    Are these Roman

    I don't speak with authority on these types but they are very much indicative of Roman issues.
  20. HistoricCoinage

    Mudlarking find

    Looks like a Venetian soldino, but 6mm too large...
  21. HistoricCoinage


    It's of Henry VIII's First Coinage and so dates between 1509-26. A picture of the other side would help determine grade and, thus, value.
  22. HistoricCoinage

    Historic Coinage Spring List

    For any hammered aficionados out there, I've just released my Spring List. Plenty of Saxon rarities: http://historiccoinage.com/newadditions.php?id=4
  23. HistoricCoinage

    My new groat

    Very nice addition, Matteo!!
  24. HistoricCoinage

    Jetton/Token? Metal Detecting Find Identify?

    It's definitely a coin. Looks to be something like a Portuguese sixty reis coin from the 18th century. What is its diameter?