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About smudge

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  • Birthday 11/15/1953

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    Hammered Coins and metal detecting.
  1. Hi Loz Are you sure about the diameters? If they are 2cm, then you probably have x2 Charles 11 copper farthings. The ones that feel like lead could be the tin farthings. ( Have they got a copper plug in them, usually quite small and it goes right through the coin?). Price would greatly depend on the condition. The dates on the tin farthings are usually on the edge of the coin.
  2. Its a 3p. Found it last year on the surface of a stubble field. Made my day.
  3. Sorry, photo didnt work. Try again.
  4. You have some nice specimens there. I have half a dozen of these but not in the excellent condition that yours are in. Are you only interested in 17th century tokens? as one of the sites I detect on held a medieval fair. I have found over 30 lead tokens from here and a few from other sites. Come back if you are interested in viewing some.
  5. smudge

    Identify this please?

    Chris. I havent got a clue about Roman coin prices, as you can see from the pics it is in superb condition. What would you offer??
  6. smudge

    Identify this please?

    Spot on millimoo, thats exactly the inscription. Cheers for that
  7. smudge

    Identify this please?

    Here is the obverse. (Still cant get two pics on one post)!!!
  8. smudge

    Identify this please?

    Anyone any good at identifying Roman coins. Found this one today on a new site i have just got permission to detect on.
  9. Could be a token, any chance of posting a picture? You have to register to post.
  10. Even this spurious information referred to BATTLEFIELD weapons - whereas this was known to persons close to TB HE thought it referred to STRATEGIC weapons. Tony Blair did know this refered to battlefield weapons only, as we destroyed all his capability of long range delivery in the first Gulf war.(Scud missiles and launchers) I spent the last 12 years of my time in the Royal Navy as an NBCD (I) Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Damage Control Instructor. We were shown film footage of the Kurdish villages where Saddam had ordered the use of Sarin nerve gas. I wont go into to much detail but if you had seen these images of men women and children after the attacks, you may have more of an open mind on the case for war against this regime. Sarin is a particularly nasty one, ALL bodily fluids are emitted from you out of EVERY orifice in the body in a matter of minutes. Nobody in their right mind wants to go to war, but in this case I think we were totally justified.
  11. Sorry about your cat Chris. I got the nickname in the Royal Navy, (Smudge Smith) After serving 22years it kinda stuck.
  12. I only wear it with the off the shoulder little black number, and stillettos, but the missus doesnt let me borrow them too often.
  13. Bummer. I got caught twice in 5 weeks on the M4 in South Wales earlier this year, by these new "Camera protection units". They are white trasit type vans that sit on bridges over the motorways, and can clock you at a mile away. (with photos). They have little flaps that open in the side of the vans, and a camera lens sticks out. By the time you see them its too late." Big brother is here".
  14. As a group who collect beautiful things, I thought you might like to see my prize possesion. I found this 2 years ago. It is called an Aesica Brooch and is circa 40-60 AD. It is Celtic/Romano. The face at the top is of Celtic design and the fantail at the bottom with ring and dot decoration is of Roman origin. This would have been cast in the very early days of Roman occupation.