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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I take it that it is for all the 224,918 coins minted.
  2. Peter

    My MGTF

    RIP Mrs Peter 06/10/2015 the worst day of my life.
  3. Peter

    My MGTF

    Mine was brought up in Coventry 03 REG. Chasing cars....if I could have another day with Mrs Peter I bloody would. This brings me to tears. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=chasing+cars&oq=ghasing+&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l4.12085j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. I was very active on ebay many moons ago,so was Rob...he skunkded me on several purchases,With over 260,000 of post decimal crap I tend to keep it under my my browse.Although I got a smashing Bury penny on Sunday....yet to arrive.
  5. Peter

    Terrible Journalism

    Peck How was the sex last night?My Rodney still yearns for Beever....sharp exit stage left.
  6. Love it. Born and bred in Bury St Eds and now living in a village just outside.I will never leave the place...West Suffolk is where my bones will sleep.
  7. Peter

    My MGTF

    Peck When I drive it It has 2 throbbing beasts. The best smiles for miles and cheap as chips. and Stuntman...you bet. Tyres good,brakes good,Daddy will dance.
  8. Pete PWA sent me a Freeman block from his original printing.A treasured item. I could put one days stubble on and pleasure his wife's inner thighs.....Hat off.
  9. Pete...I'm 6ft and 15 stone....a proper Suffolk lad...my mates are bigger.Time and place to sort U Northern Monkies.My BU's are better than yours...Keep away from farthings...you have been yellow carded..
  10. You Sir as a prime CHANT...i can usually lick them into shape....*&$$&! you &^%$*% North twit
  11. Pete just get down South I've been roasting my nuts off today.The local blacksmith is doing your cage..I can't waft to waft my farthings and Bury pennies...what fruit do Northern monkies eat.?
  12. These machines also take pre decimal 1/2d's or so have been told....next time a numbnuts says he has a £5 bag of 1967 1/2d's the kids can play the fruit machines for a couple of weeks. 50 2p's to £1 or 480 1/2d's...maybe a good investment.
  13. Peter

    Terrible Journalism

    Whilst browsing Ebay I also noticed Benjamin Britton and Johnson dictionary 50p's were being listed as rare and for silly money. I checked my change pot and out of approx 30 50p's I had both. I wish the BNTA would issue a statement with the facts on all these face value tat decimal coins.
  14. Peter

    Terrible Journalism

    I looked on ebay new listings late last night and there are so many of these "rare" 2p's being listed....unbelievable.
  15. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Definitely a gaming token IMO. The tokens weigh half of the real item.
  16. Colin Cooke had a load minted.I can't be having repro's
  17. Peter


    Tell me more Peck.I have type 2 diabetes but love a beer or 5.I suffer over 6 pints and treat myself to a good cleansing.I also like a good Cuban cigar. Scrumpy is a no go area...and my daughters buy this for me knowing I will only have 1 pint...sneekie as their Mum.
  18. Last scene in the back of Peter Shiltons car.
  19. Peter


    Not a bad fair but a passport required to go up the A14/A1. Midland is still a 240 mile trip. Elder sister had a house in Harrogate but moved further North...bugger.
  20. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Paddy Go through the guy on Coincommunity who has a hot line to ebay.
  21. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I agree.He is a scumbag scammer. People like him will lie through their teeth.
  22. I imagine she works in our village Chinese.It is on the way home from my local and I can't resist dry spare ribs and plain chow mein. ...I've tried fried eggs and toast but it misses the mark..harwoh Peter the usual and I'm hooked.
  23. Peter

    My Latest Acquisition

    I can't resist a farthing.I bought a contemporary farthing from an antiques seller who insisted it was regal.It wasn't but banged them down to £5.It is so sharp I have used it to scratch lottery tickets...won 1K a couple of years ago.Nothing since the biggest F/O Indian meal ensued and Anglia Water were put on overtime.
  24. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Cleaned,polished gaming token sums this seller up.He is a wrong un.
  25. I soaked mine in gin.My great Nan always had a gin and orange at Xmas and that kept her smiling and reckoned it was good for her.I can tell you a bottle of the damn stuff laid me low....never again.